When Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

Do I Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

When you have suffered a work injury, you might be wondering if you need a workers’ compensation lawyer and if so, where in the workers’ compensation process you should think about hiring a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyer.

When you are injured at work or if you are suffering from an occupational illness, you are dealing with the anxiety of lost wages, mounting medical bills, and navigating the unfamiliar PA workers’ compensation system. After a work injury or diagnosis of an occupational disease, millions of injured workers wonder when is a good time to call a workers’ comp attorney. The short answer? Call for help as soon as you get hurt on the job or as soon as you have a diagnosis of your work-related illness.

The process for filing your workers’ comp may seem straightforward, but there are many deadlines that cannot be missed. There are also many avenues for you to pursue in order to prove your claim. Further, not all claims are approved initially. What happens when an injured worker is denied benefits? These circumstances and more are where an experienced Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney can help.

The family of lawyers at Munley Law have more than 60 years of experience fighting for workers in PA. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

A workers' compensation attorney working in her office

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation (also called workman’s comp) is an program that provides financial coverage for workers who have suffered injury or illness during the course of their employment. Pennsylvania state law mandates that with very few exceptions, all PA employers provide workers’ compensation insurance for all of their employees starting on the first day of their employment.

If you suffered an injury or have become sick at work in PA, you have the right to receive workers’ compensation from your place of employment to cover your medical expenses and lost wages for your injury or illness.

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney at Munley Law has the experience and skills required for putting together medical evidence, talking to medical experts, navigating contested cases, presenting your case to a state committee meeting, and working with your medical records to get a settlement or if necessary, fighting your denial in court.

One of your rights as an employee is the right to file a workers’ compensation claim if you are hurt or if you have become sick on the job. Unfortunately, many PA workers are unaware of their rights.

Your employer and their insurance company may exploit what you don’t know and your anxiety over lost wages and medical bills and they may manipulate you into accepting fewer benefits than you are legally entitled to.

What Can a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Do For Your Claim?

  1. We can explain what you may be entitled to. Workers comp insurance can cover your lost wages and medical treatment but there are many ancillary costs you can claim that you might not be aware of. Your workers’ comp attorney knows how to file your claim so you receive the maximum benefits you are entitled to by law.
  2. We can help you file your paperwork in a timely manner. Your workers’ compensation claim has many deadlines, filing dates, and statutes of limitation. Your Pennsylvania workers comp attorney can make sure your claim forms are filed correctly, filled out completely, and filed on time. These steps are crucial to the approval of your claim.
  3. We will assemble all necessary work and medical records and documents to support your claim.
  4. Your attorney will handle all the communications with your employer’s insurance company. This includes all negotiations on your behalf for a fair settlement.
  5. We will gather all the medical and vocational evidence to support your claim. One of the top reasons workers comp claims are denied is the lack of medical evidence for the injury, the severity of the injury, or illness. If you do not have all of the evidence needed to support your claim, you may not receive all the benefits you deserve. Your claim can even be denied. Your attorney knows how to gather medical records, obtain medical evaluations from your medical professionals, find experts, and conduct depositions of medical professionals to support your claim.
  6. We can help if your claim has been denied. Unfortunately, some employers and their insurance companies will try to save money by denying your claim. When you are dealing with the stress of your recovery, lost wages, and medical bills, this can feel like a huge setback. Your workers’ comp lawyers at Munley Law are experts in the courtroom. We know how to take an initial denial and it. We are ready to fight for you in court if necessary.
  7. We can help negotiate a lump sum settlement. A lump sum settlement is when the employee is paid their benefits in one big payment, rather than having ongoing weekly benefits. Your workers’ compensation attorney will be able to advise you about accepting a lump sum or negotiating for weekly benefits instead.

In Pennsylvania, most employers can terminate a worker’s employment at any time. However, they may not do so in a manner that violates the law; employees cannot be fired in such a manner that constitutes discrimination, retaliation, or breach of contract.

If you are concerned about the possibility of losing your job or your benefits, contact a workers’ compensation attorney at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys to get answers.

Why Choose Munley Law as Your Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys is a nationally recognized law firm. We are the leading workers’ compensation lawyers in the state of Pennsylvania. The workers’ compensation lawyers at Munley Law have secured millions for our clients in the more than 60 years we have been fighting for Pennsylvania workers.

The Munley workers’ compensation lawyers make a promise to their clients – we do not get paid unless our client gets paid. The attorneys do not work on a retainer, so you don’t have to worry about paying a lawyer in the middle of your claims process. All you have to do is focus on healing from your work injury and allow the Munley lawyers to do what we do best.

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Posted in Workers' Compensation.


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