Are you a distracted driver?

Distracted driving  leads to crashes

dui car accidentStatistics show that fatalities are on the rise. is a contributing factor in many car and accidents. In 2015 alone, 3,477 people were killed and 391,000 injured in vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers, according to the . A driver who texts or uses another device while driving is making a dangerous, possibly deadly choice.

Are you a distracted driver?

If you don’t text and drive, that’s great! That one simple choice can help make the roads safer for everyone and keep you out of harm’s way. But, what about other distractions?

Distracted driving is considered any activity that takes attention away from driving. This not only includes texting or talking on your phone but using other devices as well, such as programming your GPS while driving or browsing through radio stations. Even something as simple as talking to others in your vehicle or eating while driving can easily cause enough distraction to result in a . The Scranton car accident attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys believe that any distraction, no matter how harmless it may seem, is unsafe when you’re behind the wheel.

GM unveils new technology that may increase distraction

Automakers say they are trying to do what they can to keep in-car technology safe and distraction free, yet there is increased demand for constant connectivity, even while driving. This week, GM introduced new technology that makes it possible to shop right from your vehicle’s infotainment system. GM’s new Marketplace enables shopping transactions to be completed while driving. This technology is now available in some newer Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, and Cadillac vehicles. It will allow drivers to do everything from ordering coffee or food to reserving a hotel room, all while driving. Safety experts feel that this may lead to people getting distracted while making transactions while in their vehicle. Our injury attorneys agree that car manufacturers should not even include features that encourage drivers to take their eyes off the road.

Distracted driving surveys reveal startling results

  • A national survey by Consumer Reports in October found that 41 percent of drivers with smartphones said they had used their hands to text while they were driving.
  • State Farm released a report earlier in the year that revealed that 91 percent of the drivers surveyed owned smartphones.
  • Half of the smartphone owners surveyed said they used them while driving.
  • 35 percent of drivers admitted to texting while driving.
  • Many surveyed mentioned other distractions as well. 93 percent talked with passengers, 23 percent attended to children in the back seat, and 21 percent attended to pets in the vehicle. All of these distractions can lead to a dangerous car accident.
  • A survey coordinated by Travelers Insurance found that 4 in 10 drivers admit to using their phone while driving. They feel they need to be available at all hours for work.
  • The Travelers survey found that work-related pressures played a role in distracted driving.
  • 43 percent of those who responded said they were in touch with work by either talking on the phone (38 percent), texting (17 percent), or emailing (10 percent).

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys encourages you to drive responsibly

Distracted driving continues to be a growing problem. The increase in cell phone use and new technology in vehicles is causing us to be more distracted while on the road than ever before. Is distracted driving worth it? It’s a risky behavior that was responsible for 9.2 percent of all traffic fatalities in 2016. It’s a choice you as a driver can make. You can choose to drive safely and distraction-free; it will be safer for you and everyone around you.

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