Car Accidents

The 4th of July Ranks #1 for Deadly Crashes – Travel Safely!

July 4th statistics show a drastic increase in fatal car accident probability

No matter what your 4th of July plans include, take extra care over the holiday weekend!

The 4th of July ranks #1 in an IIHS study of deadly crashes per day between 2010-2014 (see below for the list of the top 10 deadliest days). Millions of travelers on the road increase the risk for a car accident, especially because many of those travelers will be navigating unfamiliar areas. This year, AAA forecasts that a record number of Americans will travel by car over the holiday.

2016-4th of July-Travel-Forecast


And, it’s not just drivers who face a higher risk on the road – Independence Day is the deadliest day of the year for motorcyclists as well. The chance of a motorcycle crash doubles on July 4, […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

Summer Car Care Tips

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Just as in winter, driving in the summer has its own set of potential problems. Summer heat, long road trips, and stop-and-go can be tough on your car or truck.

To help avoid getting into a or getting stranded in the heat, follow these easy summer car care tips.

1. Check your fluids, including oil, coolant, and windshield washer fluid. Coolant (or antifreeze) is especially important to be aware of during the summer months, as overheating is one of the top causes of summer breakdowns. Because many people do more traveling during the summer, it may be necessary to get your oil and filter changed more often. A good rule of thumb is every 3,000 miles. If your fluids aren’t checked and filled regularly, you could end up broken down on the highway in the heat. […]

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The 100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers Have Begun

infographic on the 100 deadliest days

Memorial Day marks the start of the 100 most dangerous for teen drivers

The 100 deadliest days for teen drivers have begun.

Beginning on Memorial Day, the summer months mark the “100 deadliest days” for teen drivers in the U.S. According to AAA: The average number of deaths from crashes involving teen drivers ages 16-19 increased by 16 percent per day compared to other days of the year.

Several factors combine to create these dangerous conditions. When school is out, teenagers have more free time and drive more often. It is also a celebratory time, as prom and high school graduation tend to see an increase in fatal car crashes involving teenagers. These celebrations will often include underage drinking, drug use, and late-night driving – all factors tied to fatal accidents. Texting and use of social media behind the wheel is another disturbing and unnecessary trend contributing to fatal crashes at an unprecedented rate. […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

Teen in jail, Snapchat speed filter blamed for 107 MPH crash

speed crashA 19-year-old girl is in jail after allegedly causing a 107 MPH car crash outside of Atlanta, GA, while using Snapchat to record her speed.

Snapchat has a filter that allows users to record how fast they’re traveling when they take photos or videos with the app.

As personal injury lawyers who handle car accidents on a daily basis, we can’t help but see the Snapchat speed filter as inherently dangerous, and as an accident waiting to happen. In a society already marred by , this filter seems to contradict every effort to deter cell phone use behind the wheel. While representatives of the app that the speed filter includes a warning not to use it while driving, that seems contradictory to its very function and offers little comfort to the families of those who have been hurt in other accidents involving a speeding, […]

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Fatal Hit and Run Accidents on the Rise in Philadelphia

person crossing the street as car comes around cornerAccording to the Philadelphia Daily News, hit and run accidents in the city have reached almost epidemic levels in recent months.

Nonfatal hit and run incidents have increased by 30%, while fatal hit and runs have gone up 55% compared to this time last year.

The most recent fatal hit and run in Philadelphia took the life of 18-year-old Kevin Maldonado, who was struck by a woman driving a stolen white Toyota Prius. After hitting Maldonado, the woman abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot.

Incidents like this one leave many people wondering how someone can run from the scene of an accident and leave a person to die. In 2014, Pennsylvania law was amended to ensure that the minimum legal penalty for fleeing the scene of an accident would be the same as the minimum sentence for , […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.


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