Car Accidents

Don’t Call it a Car “Accident”

car accident lawyerSafety advocates are trying to change the way we talk about motor vehicle crashes.

Mark Rosekind, head of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration said that the term car “accident” implies that it was no one’s , it could not have been prevented or foreseen.

In reality, more than 90% of collisions are caused by driver error – drinking, , speeding, and other risky behavior. Relatively few are true “accidents,” caused by uncontrollable situations like a mechanical malfunction, icy roads, or other factors.

So what difference does it make? Why does it matter what word we use to describe these incidents? Road fatalities are on the rise. Safety officials, lawmakers, and aggrieved families feel strongly that language reflects our attitudes, which affect policy. When the language we use implies that nothing could have been done to prevent a tragic “accident,” […]

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“Textalyzer” Could Help Reduce Distracted Driving

car accident texting while driving, perhaps the biggest road safety scourge of the decade, is getting worse nationwide.

In Pennsylvania, for instance, distracted driving citations increased by 43% from 2014 to 2015; in our home of Lackawanna County, the number of distracted driving citations skyrocketed from 32 to 115, according to the Scranton Times-Tribune.

Last week, our own Dan Munley was quoted about a recent case in which a Lawrence County judge ruled that a person texting a distracted driver who then got into a crash could potentially be held accountable.

In order to combat this growing problem, some safety advocates have suggested that we begin viewing distracted driving the same way we view .  While distracted driving does not involve the consumption of an intoxicating substance, distraction can impair your driving ability just as much as alcohol, […]

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Distracted Driving with Pets

distracted drivingThere are lots of pet owners among us here at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, so we know that dogs can be the best of companions. But, driving with pets in tow can lead to accidents.

Over half of all pet owners report bringing their pet for a car ride at least once a month, and one-third of pet owners do so at least once a week. When bringing your furry friend along for the ride, it’s important to keep safety in mind in order to protect you, your passengers, other motorists, and your pet, too.

According to AAA, some common distracted driving behaviors that pet owners are guilty of include: petting their dog, using hands or arms to restrict dog’s movement or hold dog in place when putting on brakes, using hands/arms to keep dog from climbing from the backseat to the front seat,  […]

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The hashtag #whiledriving shows a disturbing trend

distracted-driverOne of the more idiotic and dangerous trends to develop recently is the hashtag #whiledriving.

Erie , a Pennsylvania insurance company,  published a study of social media data showing a surge in the use of the hashtag, reflecting a growing number of drivers who pull out their phones, take a picture, and post it to Twitter and Instagram – all while driving. Most of the posts were photos of nature, clouds, a sunset, , and selfies.

The top U.S. states with the most posts using #whiledriving were:

  1. California
  2. Florida
  3. Texas
  4. South Carolina
  5. New York
  6. Illinois
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Oregon
  9. Colorado
  10. Nevada

No selfie or picture of the sunset is worth putting your life or someone else’s life in danger. […]

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Your Winter Car Care Checklist

33032673_sWinter can be rough on drivers. Winter weather can create hazardous driving conditions, and the cold can wreak havoc on your vehicle, even making it dangerous to drive. Fortunately, there are some measures you can take to keep your car running and prevent a winter weather accident. This is your winter car care checklist:

1. Your Battery

When the temperature dips below freezing, it can take twice as much power to start your car than in warmer weather. If your battery is more than three years old, or if you notice your engine is slow to start, consider replacing your battery. If you’re not sure of the condition your battery is in, make a trip to a local mechanic or auto parts store and have it tested. Breaking down on the side of the road or being stranded because of a dead battery in the winter is not only extremely unpleasant, […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

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