Car Accidents

Attention Labor Day travelers: 3 reasons fatal car accidents are up


Distracted driving proves to be largest cause of fatal car accident increases

truck lying on its side on a deserted highwayAs Labor Day approaches, holiday travelers are warned that fatal car accidents  are on the rise this year, according to the National Safety Council. fatalities are up by 14% and injuries are up by 33%.

About 19,000 people have been killed so far this year, and that’s not including July and August, historically two of the deadliest months of the year for drivers. At this rate, deadly car accidents threaten to reach over 40,000, the highest  since 2007. Why is this happening?

It seems surprising. Cars today are equipped with ever-evolving safety technology designed to make them more crash-worthy. The Institute for Highway Safety continues to improve their safety rating system, developing more tests that cars must pass and higher standards they must meet in order to earn a “good” […]

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This Year Will See the Most 4th of July Travelers Since 2007

This Independence Day, Americans will be traveling in record numbers. About 41.9 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more  over the holiday weekend, according to AAA. That’s the highest number of 4th of July travelers since 2007. Most of them will be driving. At least one reason for the surge in holiday travel is the fact that  the average gas prices this weekend will the the lowest in the last five years. Today’s national average price for a gallon of gasoline is $2.78, 88 cents less than the average price on Independence Day last year.

As with any busy travel day, the chances of a this Independence Day will be especially high. If you’re one of the millions traveling this holiday weekend, keep in mind these tips for a safe trip:

1. Be prepared and plan your route ahead of time. […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers Start Now


Memorial Day marks the start of the 100 most dangerous for teen drivers

teen driver

As the school year winds down, so begins the 100 deadliest days of the year for teen drivers. The days surrounding prom and graduation see spikes in teenage driver deaths.

If you’re 18 years old, right now might be the most exciting time of the year. If you’re a parent, it might be one of the most nerve-wracking.

Prom and graduation season is supposed to be a joyous, memorable time. It’s a celebration of lives about to truly begin. Too often, however, this is when teenagers’ lives come to a sudden end.  Prom, graduation and the following summer months see a higher number of fatal teen auto accidents than any other time of the year. Teens drive more during the summer months after the school year has ended, […]

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Watch where you’re going: Distracted walking lands 1,500 people in the hospital

pedestrian injury lawyerYou’re walking down the street and almost collide with someone too engrossed in their phone screen to notice where they’re going. That same person attempts to cross the street while typing a text, and doesn’t notice a car coming around the corner.

What’s more dangerous – driving while texting, or walking while texting?

We all know that is one of the chief dangers on the road today.  While it might feel safer to text when you’re out from behind the wheel, pedestrians distracted by smartphones or listening to music through headphones account for thousands of pedestrian accidents and hospital visits each year. One study, conducted by the State University of New York at Buffalo indicates that there are more injuries per mile involving distracted pedestrians than distracted drivers.

Smartphone use has skyrocketed in the last ten years. […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.


Life-saving motorcycle helmets required in less than half of U.S. states

Motorcycle deaths in U.S. Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys“Click it or ticket,” is the familiar slogan reminding us that, across much of the country, the law requires drivers to buckle up. It’s a law that makes sense, as seat belts are perhaps the most important factor in determining whether a driver will survive a car crash. So, why don’t we apply the same kind of logic when it comes to motorists 30 times more likely to be involved in a deadly crash?

Traveling at high speeds and almost entirely exposed, motorcycle riders are among the most vulnerable motorists on the road.  Motorcycles are also less stable and harder to see, compared with other large vehicles on the road. When accidents happen, the injuries are often serious or even deadly – this is why the NHTSA identifies motorcycles as the most dangerous form of motor vehicle transportation.  Wearing a helmet is one of the most important ways motorcyclists can increase their chances of surviving a crash. […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

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