Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys proudly joins the Family to Family Thanksgiving program

Screen Shot 2013-11-04 at 3.34.43 PMAs we enjoy the warmth, festivities, and food that the upcoming holiday brings, it’s easy to forget how many others in our home communities are not as fortunate. Even as we recite “I am thankful for…” we tend to take for granted the food in front of us. While most of us look forward to sharing a bountiful meal with those we love, many families in our area will have a very different association with the word, “Thanksgiving.” For many, it will be another night without food. As we celebrate all that we are so blessed to have, how can we not extend something to those who are not so fortunate?

Since 1986, The Burne family, along with the Friends of the Poor, have been working to provide Thanksgiving dinner baskets for disadvantaged families in the Scranton area. The scope of this project is overwhelming. Last year, about 3100 families – about 15,000 people total – were fed by the Family to Family event. In addition to the basket program, the Friends of the Poor will be hosting their 38th annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Scranton Cultural Center.

Community support is vital to the continuing success of this event, and the outpouring of generosity from the Northeast PA community is inspiring. A donation of $25 will provide a Thanksgiving meal for an entire family, but a donation of any amount is welcomed and appreciated. The program also relies on the participation of volunteers who help unload, prepare, and distribute the food each year.

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys is proudly dedicated to the Family to Family Thanksgiving basket program. The importance of family is central to our firm. From our Family of Lawyers to your family, we wish you happy Thanksgiving, and we hope you will join us in making this year’s holiday more meaningful for everyone.

To learn more about the Family to Family organization, or to make a contribution, click here.

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