Drivers Beware – Pokemon Go is Driving People to Distraction

go dist drivingPokemon Go is taking over.

If you haven’t already heard, Pokemon Go is an enormously popular new augmented reality gaming app that uses players’ GPS and smartphone camera to allow users to explore their real-life environments to capture virtual creatures.  Launched about a week ago, it has already been downloaded by 7.5 million people. It surpassed Tinder as the #1 most downloaded app on iTunes,  and is getting more usage time than SnapChat, WhatsApp, and even Instagram.

If distracted driving wasn’t enough of a problem already…

The game has been praised for getting people outside, moving around, and interacting with other users in real life. However, the game can be highly distracting. There have already been reports of people falling, walking into walls, and being robbed while trying to catch Pokemon. Safety officials have issued warnings, urging players to “look up once in a while.”

Pokemon Go is apparently so addictive that people have admitted to playing while driving. And then posting about it on Twitter.

pokemon distracted drivingOr worse, people get in the car with the specific purpose of scouring neighborhoods for virtual Pokemon.

You surely don’t need us or anyone else to tell you that playing a video game while driving is a stupid idea. Any kind of cell phone use behind the wheel is dangerous. But take a moment to imagine having to tell someone that the reason their loved one is hurt (or worse) is that you were trying to catch Pokemon and weren’t paying attention.

It’s not worth it.

Get out there and catch ’em all, but be aware of your surroundings. And when you’re driving, put the phone away.

If you or someone you know has been hurt in a car accident, we’re here to help. Chat, email, or give us a call for a free consultation.

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