
What is an Appeal?

An Appeal is, “The complaint to a superior court of an injustice done or error committed by an inferior one, whose judgment or decision the court above is called upon to correct or reverse.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 124. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968)

The appeal process involves a losing party requesting a higher court to reconsider a ruling or decision made at trial. Most appeals take place in an appellate court. The party making an appeal is known as the appellant, while the original winning party is known as the appellee or respondent. Common errors that can be considered proper grounds for appeal may include legal application errors by a sitting judge, procedural errors conducted by attorneys, or evidence issues such as improper evidence being allowed in court or important evidence being wrongfully excluded from court. After arguments from both the appellant and appellee as to why a court’s decision is either proper or not, the appellant court will decide to affirm, reverse, or remand that decision. When a decision is remanded, that particular case is sent back to a lower court for a new trial or other proceedings.

An appeal can only be made after a final judgment is made. A case can not be appealed when it is ongoing or if facts of the case are in dispute. Rulings in cases such as Bowersock v. Missouri Valley Drainage Dist. of Holt County clarify that appeals are continuations of existing lawsuits, not lawsuits themselves. While appeals may lengthen the legal process, they are seen as vital parts of the justice system. They exist to insure that errors or issues don’t result in the wrong rulings.

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When Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

Do I Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

When you have suffered a work injury, you might be wondering if you need a workers’ compensation lawyer and if so, where in the workers’ compensation process you should think about hiring a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyer.

When you are injured at work or if you are suffering from an occupational illness, you are dealing with the anxiety of lost wages, mounting medical bills, and navigating the unfamiliar PA workers’ compensation system. After a work injury or diagnosis of an occupational disease, millions of injured workers wonder when is a good time to call a workers’ comp attorney. The short answer? Call for help as soon as you get hurt on the job or as soon as you have a diagnosis of your work-related illness.

The process for filing your workers’ comp may seem straightforward, […]

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What is an Impairment Rating Evaluation?

If you or your loved one have been injured at work and are seeking workers’ compensation, you may be required to undergo an impairment rating evaluation to determine the extent of whole-body impairment caused by the workplace injury.

When an employer or company requests an Impairment Rating Evaluation (IRE), it is to evaluate the total or partial disability of the injured worker so as to ensure the appropriate amount of disability pay is provided. Currently, Pennsylvania law requires an employer to pay total disability benefits for any employee at or above 35 percent disabled.

Unfortunately, many times an employer requesting an IRE is looking to reduce the number of benefits they are paying out by getting an evaluation that reports less than 35 percent disabled.

It is important that you or your loved one consult with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer if you receive a notice for an impairment rating evaluation. […]

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What is the Truck Accident Claim Process?

What Happens After a Trucking Accident?

semi truck undercarriageBeing involved in an truck accident is a traumatic experience. Like a car accident, a truck crash can cause debilitating personal injuries and emotional distress–but due to the sheer size and force of the vehicle, truck accidents often cause more severe injuries and mental agony than an accident involving passenger cars alone.

When you or a loved one is involved in a truck accident, the last thing you want to do is try and figure out the complicated truck accident process.

It is essential, however, that you act fast–while evidence is fresh and before the runs out–in order to ensure you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve. Thankfully, an experienced truck accident lawyer can handle most steps of the truck accident claim process for you, […]

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$29.4 million verdict in Johnson & Johnson talcum powder case

On Wednesday March 13, 2019 a California jury awarded Teresa
Leavitt $24.4 million and her husband, Dean McElroy $5 million in a trial
brought by them against Johnson & Johnson. 
Teresa Leavitt believes her mesothelioma, a terminal disease caused by
asbestos exposure, is linked to her regular use of Johnson & Johnson’s
talcum powder. 

talcum powder lawsuit lawyer

The Leavitt case is the first case to be tried since a
bombshell report by Reuters and the New York Times about the contamination of
baby powder with asbestos.  Both reports
sighted leaked internal documents showing Johnson & Johnson knew about the
problem as far back as 1971.

Johnson & Johnson said they were disappointed in the verdict and they would pursue an . Johnson & Johnson’s spokesperson, Kimberly Montagnino said, “we will pursue an appeal because Johnson’s Baby Powder does not contain asbestos or cause cancer.”  […]

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Report: J&J Knew for Decades About Asbestos in Baby Powder

Report: J&J knew about asbestos in their products and issued no warning

In a new report that drove the company’s shares down more than 9%, Reuters stated that Johnson & Johnson has known since the 1970s that its talc baby powder sometimes contained carcinogenic asbestos.

Reuters based its report on a review of documents and deposition and trial testimony that showed that from at least 1971 to the early 2000s, the company’s raw talc and finished powders sometimes tested positive for small amounts of asbestos. Company executives, managers, doctors and lawyers discussed the problem amongst themselves but didn’t inform regulators or the public. The documents examined by Reuters also describe successful efforts to influence U.S. regulators’ plans to limit asbestos in cosmetic talc products and scientific research on the health effects of talc.

talcum powder lawsuit lawyerThe company has faced thousands of lawsuits alleging its talc baby powder products contain asbestos and caused ovarian and other cancers. […]

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