
What is an Appeal?

An Appeal is, “The complaint to a superior court of an injustice done or error committed by an inferior one, whose judgment or decision the court above is called upon to correct or reverse.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 124. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968)

The appeal process involves a losing party requesting a higher court to reconsider a ruling or decision made at trial. Most appeals take place in an appellate court. The party making an appeal is known as the appellant, while the original winning party is known as the appellee or respondent. Common errors that can be considered proper grounds for appeal may include legal application errors by a sitting judge, procedural errors conducted by attorneys, or evidence issues such as improper evidence being allowed in court or important evidence being wrongfully excluded from court. After arguments from both the appellant and appellee as to why a court’s decision is either proper or not, the appellant court will decide to affirm, reverse, or remand that decision. When a decision is remanded, that particular case is sent back to a lower court for a new trial or other proceedings.

An appeal can only be made after a final judgment is made. A case can not be appealed when it is ongoing or if facts of the case are in dispute. Rulings in cases such as Bowersock v. Missouri Valley Drainage Dist. of Holt County clarify that appeals are continuations of existing lawsuits, not lawsuits themselves. While appeals may lengthen the legal process, they are seen as vital parts of the justice system. They exist to insure that errors or issues don’t result in the wrong rulings.

More information about Appeal

Florida Supreme Court Upholds $10.3 Million Medical Malpractice Award

The widow of a man who suffered a heart attack and died when his Palms West Hospital doctor failed to give him the anti-clotting drug Retavase will receive the $10.3 million previously awarded, according to a ruling by the Florida Supreme Court this week.  The award amount was being disputed due to the $1 million medical cap put in place in Florida months after the man’s death.

The court referred to a decision rendered in July when it determined the award cap could not be applied retroactively.  The man died in 2003, however, the lawsuit was not filed until 2005.  The defense argued the time of lawsuit should be used and thus, the cap limits should apply.

The award amount had also been upheld by the Fourth District Court of in 2009 saying, “It is therefore well settled that retrospective laws are generally unjust.” […]

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Pennsylvania Woman Awarded $23 Million in Medical Malpractice Case

WFMZ-TV reports a Lehigh County, Pennsylvania jury has awarded a Lehighton woman $23 million in a case.  The woman had both legs amputated after her home care nurse failed to evaluate and report an infected catheter for appropriate treatment.

The lawsuit alleged the delay in reporting the infection led to a bloodstream infection that ultimately required the woman’s legs to be amputated below the knees.

The jury found the nurse and her employer, St. Luke’s Miners Memorial Home Care, negligent in caring for the plaintiff.

A spokesman for St. Luke’s said, “As with all cases, this is a complicated situation, but the resultant jury award is excessive and shocks the conscience.”  The spokesman did not indicate if they would the verdict.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a form of medical negligence, […]

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Pfizer, Inc. Settles Neurontin Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The Wall Street Journal reports Pfizer Inc., maker of the anti-seizure drug Neurontin, has agreed to pay a widow an undisclosed amount following her husband’s death in 2002. The woman claimed her husband’s suicide was a result of his use of Neurontin.

Her lawsuit alleged Pfizer was aware the drug was associated with the risk of suicide, but the company failed to properly warn the public and that Pfizer promoted the use of the drug for the effects of paralysis (as in her husband’s case) even though it was not approved by U.S. regulators.

Pfizer has had years of legal problems resulting from their marketing of Neurontin. In 2004, Pfizer pleaded guilty to a criminal charge and agreed to pay $430 million to settle investigations by the government over its promotion of Neurontin. Just a few weeks ago, a federal jury concluded Pfizer violated other laws and awarded damages of $47 million – […]

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