
What is a Complaint?

A complaint is, “The first or initiatory pleading on the part of the plaintiff in a civil action. It corresponds to the declaration in the common-law practice. Its purpose is to give defendant information of all material facts on which plaintiff relies to support his demand.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 356. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968). It is what formally initiates a lawsuit and outlines a plaintiff’s allegations against a defendant. 

Complaints are meant to be concise, clear, and factual outlines of what charges a plaintiff intends to pursue and what damages it is seeking to obtain. They are not supposed to confuse or ambush the defendant. The contents of a complaint must be understandable to both parties, and the defendant must be able to construct a proper response and defense. In addition to the strictly legal charges contained in a complaint, the plaintiff must also make factual allegations specific to the facts of the case that they are pursuing in the complaint. They serve to back up the legal claims being asserted.

If an important fact or charge is left out of the complaint, it can not be used in the plaintiff’s case. It is important for all involved parties that the contents of the complaint are accurate and understandable. Anything else is improper, and not up to legal requirements. Effective communication through a complaint is a necessity.

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How Does PIP Insurance Work In Pennsylvania?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) in Pennsylvania is intended to help cover medical expenses and otherHow Does PIP Insurance Work In Pennsylvania? related costs if you’re injured in a car accident, regardless of who caused the crash. It’s like a safety net that guarantees you get immediate help paying for things like hospital bills, doctor visits, and even lost wages due to your injury. PIP immediately kicks in after an accident, providing financial support while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

What Is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

In Pennsylvania, PIP and “First-party benefits” (FPB) are often used interchangeably to describe the auto insurance coverage motorists must carry. This type of insurance is essential because it pays for financial losses regardless of who caused the crash.

PIP covers medical costs in the event of an accident. In some cases, it can also help with lost wages or funeral expense coverage if the accident results in a death. […]

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How to Report an Erratic Truck Driver

Encounters with commercial trucks and tractor-trailers are often unavoidable. The average commuter will likely pass a truck on the freeway at any given time. Because of their size and weight, reckless drivers are a great danger to passenger vehicles.How to Report an Erratic Truck Driver

The personal injury lawyers at Munley Law recognize this danger. For more than 60 years, Munley has provided legal services for victims of truck accidents and recovered millions in losses. Suppose you or a family member have already been injured due to the actions of an erratic truck driver. In that case, our experienced truck accident lawyers may be able to earn you compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and more

Why You Should Report Unsafe Driving

Unsafe driving in the trucking industry is a major safety issue. Research by the ‘s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that large truck crashes have been on the rise from year to year. […]

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How to Report Unsafe Working Conditions in Wilkes-Barre

What is Considered an “Unsafe Working Condition?”

When most people hear the phrase “unsafe working conditions,” factories and operating large machinery come to mind. While it’s true that some industries are more high-risk than others, the reality is any workplace can be unsafe. For your own safety, you should know how to identify unsafe working conditions and how to report them to the appropriate authorities.

An unsafe working environment is an environment with hazards present that make it dangerous for you to carry out any of your job duties. The environment poses a threat to your health and safety and may interfere with you being able to do your job correctly.  While some jobs are dangerous by nature, “unsafe working conditions” refer to circumstances outside of what is reasonable, normal, or acceptable by regulatory standards.

Examples of Unsafe Working Conditions

While this list is not exhaustive, […]

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How Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Work?

Most people never think about what it takes to file a lawsuit until the time comes. If you have never had to take part in a personal injury lawsuit, you probably don’t know exactly what to expect. How does a personal injury lawsuit work? The entire process can be intimidating or confusing when it is unfamiliar. You likely have a lot of questions.

Your personal injury lawyer from Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys will be by your side every step of the way, but you still should have an understanding of how the process works. In truth, every case is different, and some are more complex than others. But, there are certain elements that will remain consistent in most lawsuits. Consider this your guide to personal injury lawsuits and how they work.

Why File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Attorney Caroline MunleyFirst, why file a personal injury lawsuit? […]

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Can I Sue After a Rear End Collision?

Hire an Experienced Car Accident Attorney to Help After Rear End Accident

car crash traffic deathsCar accident lawyers will tell you that rear end collisions are unfortunately a fairly common part of driving; in fact, the Washington Post reported that there are approximately 1.7 million rear end collisions on U.S. roadways each year. What’s more, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reported in 2019 that almost 30% of car accidents in the state were rear-end collisions. But while these accidents are common, they still need to be taken seriously. Grave injury and extensive damage are both possible results of a rear-end accident, and if you’ve experienced an accident of this nature, you will want a trusted car accident lawyer to guide you through the process of receiving proper compensation.

After an accident, it’s possible that one party may reach out to the other with an initial settlement offer. […]

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