
What is a Complaint?

A complaint is, “The first or initiatory pleading on the part of the plaintiff in a civil action. It corresponds to the declaration in the common-law practice. Its purpose is to give defendant information of all material facts on which plaintiff relies to support his demand.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 356. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968). It is what formally initiates a lawsuit and outlines a plaintiff’s allegations against a defendant. 

What is a Complaint?

What is a Complaint?

Complaints are meant to be concise, clear, and factual outlines of what charges a plaintiff intends to pursue and what damages it is seeking to obtain. They are not supposed to confuse or ambush the defendant. The contents of a complaint must be understandable to both parties, and the defendant must be able to construct a proper response and defense. In addition to the strictly legal charges contained in a complaint, the plaintiff must also make factual allegations specific to the facts of the case that they are pursuing in the complaint. They serve to back up the legal claims being asserted.

If an important fact or charge is left out of the complaint, it can not be used in the plaintiff’s case. It is important for all involved parties that the contents of the complaint are accurate and understandable. Anything else is improper, and not up to legal requirements. Effective communication through a complaint is a necessity.

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HIPAA- A Barrier Between You & Your Medical Records?

Back in 1996, when the Health and Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed into law, the intention of the law (especially Title IV) was to protect a patient’s right to privacy, reduce fraudulent activity, streamline data systems and improve the health insurance system overall.

For years prior to the law’s passage, there was no federal standard for obtaining your medical records. Without the patient’s knowledge, records were being given to insurance companies, sent to landfills or just flat-out lost. Alerted by highly publicized lapses in medical record confidentiality (a garbage truck crash that sent medical records flying all over the highways, a doctor selling a computer without deleting patient information from the hard drive, and the list went on and on), lawmakers decided a better system was needed. So the whole theory behind HIPAA regs are that your medical records are just that, […]

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