Drunk Driving

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Pennsylvania Safe Driving Tips

As part of the State’s public safety education campaign, the Pennsylvania State Police “strive to ensure you are provided with information and services that will help you Be Smart, Be Aware and Be Safe at home, at work and in your communities.”

To be safe on the highway, the state police offer the following safe driving reminders:

  • Steer Clear Law. The ‘Steer Clear’ law requires drivers to move over or slow down when they encounter an emergency scene, traffic stop or disabled vehicle. This law will help prevent injuries to rescue personnel and disabled motorists.  Drivers are asked to follow the law and use common sense.
  • Clearing off your vehicle.  Although the winter weather is behind us, this reminder is pertinent year round and reminds drivers to clear their vehicle of any hazards.  This includes snow and ice in the winter, […]

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PSP Release Car Accident Report From Easter Weekend

Pennsylvania State Police report there were 470 Pennsylvania automobile accidents during the long Easter weekend from Friday, April 6, through Sunday, April 8.  Three people died and 196 were injured in the accidents.

Commissioner Frank Noonan reported the statistics Monday afternoon.  He further reported that one of the persons that died in a car accident was not wearing a seat belt. In addition, 56 of the 470 crashes were alcohol-related with two of the fatalities being alcohol related.

The police were also out trying to limit accidents through enforcement events.  According to the troop breakdown report, troopers charged 292 people with , issued 4,723 speeding tickets, gave 529 seatbelt warnings and issued another 5,906 citations during the weekend.

In comparison to the 2011 Easter period, two people died and 196 were injured in 527 crashes investigated.

Our Pennsylvania car accident attorneys encourage all drivers to practice good defensive driving behaviors when taking to our highways.  […]

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Birth Control Pills Associated With Blood Clot Risk

In September, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety communication about the potential increased risk of blood clots with the use of drospirenone-containing birth control pills. The FDA was not ready to draw a conclusion at that time, and continued to review the data.

This week, however, the FDA reported its findings and is requiring makers of birth control pills that contain the hormone drospirenone to carry a warning that “some epidemiologic studies reported as high as a three-fold increase in the risk of blood clots” in women that take the pills.

Known as fourth-generation contraceptives, drospirenone-containing birth control pills are made up of a synthetic version of the female hormone progesterone and have previously been linked to other serious health complications, including heart problems, high blood pressure and gallbladder disease.  Blood clots had been noted as a risk in some earlier studies. […]

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Robotic Drug Dispenser Found to Harbor Harmful Bacteria

Our Pennsylvania medical malpractice lawyers issued a warning about widespread hospital infections from dirty surgical devices earlier this month.  Now, a new report brings to light yet another medical safety issue – robotic drug dispensers that contain harmful bacteria.

A study that appeared in the journal Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology reports medical staff at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem, NC discovered Bacillus cereus bacteria during a quality assurance test of drug samples dispensed by a robot.  Specifically, the robot was being used to prepare intravenous medications in a sterile environment.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports Bacillus cereus is most often associated with food poisoning.  Symptoms caused by the bacteria include watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and pain which occurs 6-15 hours after contamination.  Nausea may accompany diarrhea, but vomiting rarely occurs.  Symptoms persist for 24 hours in most instances. […]

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More information about Drunk Driving

PA School Bus Driver Charged With DUI

When parents put their children on a school bus they assume the children will arrive safely at the school.  They also assume the driver is experienced and responsible.  Unfortunately, for children and their parents in Washington, PA, recently that wasn’t the case.  Their school bus driver was charged with after transporting 3 loads of children while legally drunk.

According to the Observer-Reporter.com, after the school bus driver had made three rounds of bringing students to school, he was preparing to take another group on a field trip.  A teacher noticed that the man appeared to be under the influence and notified the proper authorities.  Police found the driver had a blood alcohol content of .081 – four times the legal limit.  The Huffington Post reports the driver was fired.

Fortunately, no one was injured in this incident.  However, there have been far too many school bus accidents across the United States this year. […]

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