Read through our articles that relate to drunk driving and how Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys can help you be whole again through our legal services.
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Pennsylvania personal injury lawyer warns beware of drunk drivers
The summer months are filled with graduation parties, reunions, picnics and other celebrations and travels. This time of year also brings an increase in drunk drivers.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, every 2-hours, three people are killed in this country in alcohol-related highway crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 33,561 crash fatalities in 2012, of those 31% or 10,322 involved a drunk driver. This was a 4.6% increase from the previous year.
In 2012, 239 children age 14 and younger were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. Of those, 124 were in the vehicle with a drunk driver. The NHTSA reported that the rate of alcohol impairment among drivers in fatal crashes in 2012 was nearly 4 times higher at night than during the day. 15% of al drivers involved in fatal crashes during the week were alcohol-impaired, […]
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Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyer Reports on the Hazardous Combination of Drinking and Driving
Every day we read and watch more news reports of drunk driving accidents, many involving children in the vehicle, and a high percentage resulting in fatalities. Any crash involving a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher is considered to be an alcohol-impaired driving crash. According to a recently released report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Impaired, there were 10,322 fatalities in alcohol-impaired crashes in 2012. 28 people die every day in America as a result of these crashes. NHTSA also reported that car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens, and about a quarter involve an underage drinker.
The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD), reported that an estimated 32% of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. Alcohol affects attentiveness and one’s ability to make quick decisions on the road, […]
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EMS Driver Caught Driving Drunk
State police in Swiftwater arrested a woman for driving an EMS vehicle drunk on December 29.
The emergency service driver was stopped for speeding and following another vehicle too closely. Arresting officers determined she was too impaired to drive.
Each year automobile accidents in Pennsylvania claim the lives of more than 1,000 people and injure another 85,000 more. More than 70 percent of the state’s auto accidents in 2010 resulted in an injury or fatality.
Far too many of these wrecks were caused by a driver’s negligence or recklessness.
Following is from the Scranton Times-Tribune:
A Monroe County woman was arrested Saturday for driving an emergency medical services vehicle while under the influence.
State police at Swiftwater stopped Stacy M. Ems, 23, Paradise Twp., around 1 AM for speeding and following another vehicle too closely on Buttermilk Falls Road, […]
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Pennsylvania State Trooper Dies in Accident
State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan announced the tragic death of 47-year-old Trooper First Class Blake T. Coble of Troop D, Beaver Station after he was killed in an automobile wreck last Thursday. Coble was on duty Oct. 4 when he was struck by a semi at 10 a.m. at Black Hawk Road near Route 168 in South Beaver Township.
According to news reports, Coble’s patrol car was struck by the tractor-trailer when the truck driver went through a stop sign at the intersection. No charges have been filed against the driver of the truck, who has been cooperating with investigators, state police said.
In a press release announcing Coble’s death, Noonan said:
“He [Coble] died serving the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the men and women of the Pennsylvania State Police mourn his loss and extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends. […]
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Take the Time During National Fire Prevention Week to Protect Your Family Against Fires
Residents of Pennsylvania are urged to take the time this week to participate in National Fire Prevention Week. Fire Prevention Week, celebrated Oct. 7-13, has been set aside through a Presidential Proclamation as a time “to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities from fires, and we honor the courageous first responders who put their lives at risk to keep us safe.”
According to the National Safety Council, in 2010, there were 3,100 unintentional deaths related to fire, smoke and flames. Many of these fires resulted in death, serious injuries and destroyed homes.
The National Safety Council offers the following steps for families to take to prevent fires:
- Have properly working smoke alarms
- Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors monthly and change the batteries at least once a year
- Place smoke alarms on each floor of your home and in each bedroom
- Plan a family escape route and practice it once a month
- Install a home sprinkler system
- Place fire extinguishers throughout your home and make sure everyone in the house knows how to use them
One key theme of the week is to “Have 2 Ways Out!” According to, […]
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