
What Is Fault?

Fault is when an entity intentionally or negligently fails to act reasonably, according to legal standards or one’s duty, resulting in harm to another person. This failure can arise from various factors such as ignorance, carelessness, negligence, or a lack of skill. If actions like not being aware, not taking proper precautions, disregarding others, or lacking necessary skills lead to injury to another person, they can all be considered as fault.

Legal scholar John C. Jeffries Jr. states, “Fault is the linchpin of tort liability.” Fault plays a crucial role in various aspects of law, including tort law (civil wrongs), contract disputes, and criminal law. Establishing fault is essential in legal proceedings to determine liability and to assess damages or penalties accordingly.

Fault forms the basis for legal liability and compensation. For example, in a car accident case, fault may be assigned based on factors like speeding, failure to yield, or distracted driving. For plaintiffs seeking damages, proving fault is essential to demonstrate that the defendant’s actions or negligence directly caused their injuries or losses. Conversely, defendants may argue mitigating circumstances or lack of fault to defend against legal claims.

More information about Fault

Uneasiness Persists About Marcellus Shale Operations

Some Pennsylvania property owners don’t like the idea of living next to a drilling rig and want their local governments to use zoning regulations to prevent the development of natural gas wells.

But local government leaders’ hands are tied to a great extent by a state law called the Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Act. The state law preempts local regulation of gas wells and extraction and gives the regulatory authority to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Local regulations may not apply to the location of a well, well site safety or even protection of  the water supply.

The pressing questions of  which local municipal regulations still apply and which are preempted are still being sorted out by the courts.

Natural gas drilling and extraction from the Marcellus Shale poses rewards and hazards for Pennsylvania communities. While there is the potential for significant economic , […]

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$2.6M Medical Malpractice Verdict In Bethlehem

Doctor at fault for cancer misdiagnosis

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the United States, and failure to properly diagnose this disease can be devastating – even fatal – to the patient.  When this happens, it may result in a medical charge against the healthcare givers.

A ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ended a two-and-a-half year journey through the state courts for a $2.6 million against St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network and one of its gynecologists.

The case was filed in Lehigh County; the plaintiff alleged that her doctor breached the when he did not advise her to have a biopsy on what turned out to be a cancerous lump in one of her breasts.

Our attorneys have decades of experience handling complex medical malpractice cases.   […]

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