
What is Insurance?

Insurance is, “a contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to compensate the other for loss on a specified subject by specified perils. The party agreeing to make the compensation is usually called the “insurer” or “underwriter;” the other, the “insured” or “assured;” the agreed consideration, the “premium;” the written contract, a “policy;” the events insured against, “risks” or “perils;” and the subject, right, or interest to be protected, the “insurable interest.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 946. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968)

An insurance policy is a contract in which an individual or entity (the policyholder) pays an insurance company (the insurer) in regular payments in exchange for financial protection over specific risks or losses. For example, medical insurance helps to cover medical costs, such as hospital visits, hospital stays, and medications. Similarly, auto insurance helps to cover damages incurred from car accidents. Insurance payments are known as premiums. Insurance contracts typically limit the amount of costs that an insurance provider may be required to pay. 

The McCarran-Ferguson Act (15 U.S.C. § 1011) grants many aspects of insurance regulation to individual state governments. However, federal laws like federal taxes do apply to insurance, and must be acknowledged. Insurance is important to the legal system, as it helps protect individuals, those who cause harm to individuals through negligence, and any third party that is faced with the burden of compensating for an injury.

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PA Workers’ Compensation Denials

As a state with a long history of being at the forefront of industry, manufacturing, natural resources, and transportation, Pennsylvania has a long relationship with the fight for worker rights.PA Workers Compensation Denials

The need to safeguard workers became increasingly apparent as Pennsylvania’s industrial revolution moved forward in the early 20th century. Hazardous workplace conditions caused injuries to grow in both type and frequency. This surge in workplace accidents highlighted the necessity for laws designed to protect employees, leading to the development of workers’ compensation regulations. The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act of 1915 was a law that provided employees with financial protection while requiring employers to maintain workers’ compensation coverage.

If you have experienced a workplace injury in PA, you should be able to rely on this historic Pennsylvania state law to provide a financial safety net for you and your family while you recover. […]

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Munley Law Lawyers Named to 2025 Best Lawyers in America® List

The Scranton personal injury lawyers at Munley LawMunley Law is pleased to announce that all ten personal injury lawyers have been included in the 2025 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America®.

The following lawyers were named 2025 Best Lawyers in America® in the following practice areas:

  • Marion Munley –  Law – Plaintiffs, Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs, and Product Litigation – Plaintiffs
  • Daniel W. Munley – Medical Law – Plaintiffs, Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs, and Product Liability Litigation – Plaintiffs
  • James Christopher Munley – Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs, Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs, Product Liability Litigation – Plaintiffs, and Workers’ Compensation Law – Claimants
  • Caroline Munley – Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs, Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs, Product Liability Litigation – Plaintiffs, and Workers’ Compensation Law – Claimants
  • Robert W. […]

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How Serious Does a Collision Have to Be for Airbags to Deploy

Airbags are designed to protect you in severe crashes, but they don’t go off in every accident. In modern vehicles, airbag sensors measure the impact and determine whether airbags should be deployed. This decision is influenced by factors such as the speed you’re traveling, the type of crash, and where your vehicle is hit. Typically, airbags will deploy in collisions at speeds over 10 miles per hour. For example, if you hit a stationary object or are involved in a rear-end collision, the airbags may go off. However, seat belts alone may be enough to keep you safe in these crashes, and the airbags might not deploy.

How Serious Does a Collision Have to Be for Airbags to Deploy

Vehicle Safety System and Airbags

Airbags are just one part of your vehicle’s safety system. Seat belts play a critical role in keeping you secure during a crash. They hold you in place, allowing the airbags to provide maximum protection. […]

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How Does PIP Insurance Work In Pennsylvania?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) in Pennsylvania is intended to help cover medical expenses and otherHow Does PIP Insurance Work In Pennsylvania? related costs if you’re injured in a car accident, regardless of who caused the crash. It’s like a safety net that guarantees you get immediate help paying for things like hospital bills, doctor visits, and even lost wages due to your injury. PIP immediately kicks in after an accident, providing financial support while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

What Is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

In Pennsylvania, PIP and “First-party benefits” (FPB) are often used interchangeably to describe the auto insurance coverage motorists must carry. This type of insurance is essential because it pays for financial losses regardless of who caused the crash.

PIP covers medical costs in the event of an accident. In some cases, it can also help with lost wages or funeral expense coverage if the accident results in a death. […]

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Spine Injury from a Car Accident

Car accidents can result in devastating outcomes, with spinal injuries being among the most severe. Understanding the different types of spinal injuries, recognizing their common symptoms, and being aware of treatment options and potential compensation can help accident victims deal with these challenging circumstances. This blog provides essential information about spinal cord injuries that can occur from vehicle collisions.

Impacts of a Spinal Cord Injury from a Car Accident

Victims of motor vehicle accidents often face immediate physical and mental health challenges, with long-term effects that can drastically reduce their . Unfortunately, many accident victims may have to endure chronic pain due to spinal cord damage, nerve pain, or degenerative conditions for the rest of their lives. The moments immediately following a car crash are critical for the victim, as timely medical attention can significantly impact recovery.

MRI of spinal cord with doctor pointingCommon injuries, […]

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