
What is Insurance?

Insurance is, “a contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to compensate the other for loss on a specified subject by specified perils. The party agreeing to make the compensation is usually called the “insurer” or “underwriter;” the other, the “insured” or “assured;” the agreed consideration, the “premium;” the written contract, a “policy;” the events insured against, “risks” or “perils;” and the subject, right, or interest to be protected, the “insurable interest.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 946. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968)

An insurance policy is a contract in which an individual or entity (the policyholder) pays an insurance company (the insurer) in regular payments in exchange for financial protection over specific risks or losses. For example, medical insurance helps to cover medical costs, such as hospital visits, hospital stays, and medications. Similarly, auto insurance helps to cover damages incurred from car accidents. Insurance payments are known as premiums. Insurance contracts typically limit the amount of costs that an insurance provider may be required to pay. 

The McCarran-Ferguson Act (15 U.S.C. § 1011) grants many aspects of insurance regulation to individual state governments. However, federal laws like federal taxes do apply to insurance, and must be acknowledged. Insurance is important to the legal system, as it helps protect individuals, those who cause harm to individuals through negligence, and any third party that is faced with the burden of compensating for an injury.

More information about Insurance

Can I Sue After a Car Accident If I Was Not Hurt?

What Options Are Available After A Car Accident With No Injuries?

car crash traffic deaths

Everyone knows that if you are injured in a car accident, you have the option to file a lawsuit against the other driver. But what happens if you only suffer damage to your vehicle? Can you sue the other driver?

Even if you suffered no physical injuries during an accident caused by the negligence of another driver, you could still recover property damage costs. If your company refuses to repair or replace a car you suffer heavy damage you might need to seek court action to have them repaired or replaced.

Understanding your legal rights after a car accident is paramount. Please note that Munley Law handles personal injury cases only.

Filing Car Accident Claim with Insurance Company

The best way to ensure you recover compensation and financial losses from insurance companies or liable parties in your car accident property damage settlement is to hire an experienced car accident property damage lawyer. […]

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More information about Insurance

What is Discovery?

Understanding your lawsuit’s discovery phase

If you recently filed a lawsuit, then you likely have questions about how your case will progress. Clients often ask our attorneys about discovery. In fact, most civil plaintiffs and defendants have never heard of the phase of a trial. They have no idea what discovery is. As such, our award-winning personal injury team is here to explain discovery and what you can expect during this phase of litigation.

According to the American Bar Association, discovery is “the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they’ll present at trial.” In other words, it is a mechanism for obtaining the info and evidence that you need to win your case.

The phases of a civil trial

In order to fully understand the discovery phase, […]

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