Medical Malpractice

What is Medical Malpractice?

Medical Malpractice is, “bad, wrong, or injudicious treatment of a patient, professionally and in respect to the particular disease or injury, resulting. in injury, unnecessary suffering, or death to the patient, and proceeding from ignorance, carelessness, want of proper professional skill, disregard of established rules or principles, neglect, or a malicious or criminal intent .” (Black’s Law Dictionary 1111. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968). Like general malpractice, it refers to negligence in a professional setting. However, it is limited to healthcare providers, such as a doctor or hospital.

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider deviates from the applicable standard of care, intentionally or unintentionally, and harms a patient. Cases such as Napier v. Greenzweig show that medical malpractice can be as blatant as ignoring understood rules, or it can be a mistake like a severe surgical error or a misdiagnosis. Medical malpractice is considered to be a serious issue, and healthcare providers found liable for malpractice often pay extensive damages. Occasionally, a doctor may lose their license to practice medicine if malpractice is severe enough or repeated.

Fully understanding cases of medical malpractice often involves some level of medical knowledge. Because of this, it is difficult to prove medical malpractice in court, and expert witnesses are typically needed to testify about a healthcare provider’s negligence.

More information about Medical Malpractice

Pennsylvania’s Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Ranked Among America’s Best Law Firms

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, a prominent Pennsylvania personal injury law firm with more than 40 years of experience, has won a coveted place on a list of the nation’s best law firms, published in September jointly by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers magazine.  “To make this highly competitive list is an honor and a reward for years of intensive and quality work by our lawyers on behalf of our clients,” said Robert W. Munley, the founding partner of the firm.

The rankings are presented in tiers both nationally and by metropolitan area or by state, and they showcase 8,782 different law firms ranked in one or more of 81 major practice areas. Peer surveys combined with more than 3.1 million evaluations of individual lawyers in the most recent Best Lawyers survey of leading lawyers are used to develop the rankings.

“U.S. […]

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More information about Medical Malpractice

$2.6M Medical Malpractice Verdict In Bethlehem

Doctor at fault for cancer misdiagnosis

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the United States, and failure to properly diagnose this disease can be devastating – even fatal – to the patient.  When this happens, it may result in a charge against the healthcare givers.

A ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ended a two-and-a-half year journey through the state courts for a $2.6 million medical against St. Luke’s Hospital & Health Network and one of its gynecologists.

The case was filed in Lehigh County; the plaintiff alleged that her doctor breached the when he did not advise her to have a biopsy on what turned out to be a cancerous lump in one of her breasts.

Our attorneys have decades of experience handling complex medical malpractice cases.   […]

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$3.5 Million Awarded In Lawsuit Over Botched Surgery

The Baltimore Sun reports a 53-year-old woman has won $3.5 million in her suit against Vascular Surgery Associates and two of its surgeons following a botched surgery.

In 2007 the woman’s surgery for blocked arteries ended in devastating injuries including damage to her spinal cord which left her a paraplegic. The lawsuit claimed the doctor used an improper grafting technique which led to various injuries including blood , and paralysis.

The award included $1.3 million in noneconomic , $2 million for future medical bills, and more than $200,000 for prior medical bills.

Our medical lawyers have decades of experience handling complex cases involving medical errors, misdiagnoses, and hospital infections. We will evaluate your case thoroughly and explore all potential sources of recovery – we fight to protect the rights of patients.  […]

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$1.6 Million Awarded In College Basketball Player’s Death

According to the Associated Press, a jury has awarded parents $1.6 million in their lawsuit filed following their son’s death on an Eastern Connecticut State University basketball court.

The 22-year-old senior collapsed during a basketball game in 2005. The parents alleged the doctor who examined him in 2001 should have found the congenital heart defect known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The doctor found him to be in excellent health and signed his college medical form.

The doctor scheduled an echocardiogram for the young man after the examination, but he did not show up for the test.

Our attorneys at Munley, Munley, & Cartwright are experienced in medical malpractice lawsuits and will evaluate your case thoroughly and explore all potential sources of recovery – we fight to protect the rights of patients. If you or a loved one has been harmed by medical , […]

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Patients Undergo Risky, Unnecessary Medical Procedure

The Baltimore Sun reports hundreds of heart patients from St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, Maryland may have undergone an unnecessary medical procedure. St. Joseph Medical Center calls itself the busiest heart catheterization center in Maryland, and is thought of as one of the primary cardiac care facilities in the area.

At least 369 patients have received letters informing them they may have received expensive and potentially dangerous coronary stents they did not need. At the time of their surgery the patients were told they needed the stent to open an artery which had severe blockage. They have since learned their blockage was only minor.

Dr. Mark Midei is the only doctor implicated in the hospital investigation so far. He allegedly told patients they had up to a 90 percent blockage, when in fact they had only a 10 percent blockage. In other patients, he placed two stents when only one was necessary. […]

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