Truck Accident Statistics You Need to Know

Since they’re large and often pack a lot of weight, crashes can be especially serious and result in devastating injuries.  Some of the factors that contribute to truck accidents include:

  • Poor truck braking capability results in taking 20-40% longer to stop and even more on wet or slippery roads
  • Truck driver fatigue
  • Weight of the trucks

In today’s consumer-driven market, manufacturers and businesses are under increased pressure to reduce delivery times. For this, the trucking industry has cemented itself as the most reliable delivery method of goods across the United States. With an estimated worth of nearly $800 billion, trucking is responsible for most overland freight in the U.S.

In this article, our truck accident lawyer provides an overview of the most important statistics in 2024.

Truck Accidents Cause Roughly 130,000 Injuries Each Year

Tanker Truck AccidentA variety of factors – increased consumer demand, economic pressures, driver distraction, and more – contribute to the number of truck accidents that occur annually. Due to their enormous size and weight, accidents involving trucks often result in many severe injuries to the drivers, passengers, and other people involved. Each year, about 130,000 people are injured in such accidents. Some of the common injuries include:

  • Back and neck
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Whiplash
  • Internal bleeding
  • Head trauma

In most cases, victims of such injuries require immediate medical attention, and some will have to undergo multiple surgeries.

Truck Accidents Result in Approximately 4,000 Deaths Each Year

According to data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), truck accidents cause approximately 4,000 deaths each year. In 2022, the number of deaths stood at 4,764. Compared to figures from 2009, there has been a 51% increase in truck accident fatalities.

In Two-Vehicle Accidents Involving a Passenger Car and a Truck, Passenger Cars Account for 97% of Vehicle Occupant Deaths

We’ve said it time and time again: while not all car-truck crashes are the truck’s , in a collision between a car and a truck, the car almost always suffers greater damage. Sometimes referred to as motor vehicle juggernauts, trucks can be very dangerous when out of control. Compared to passenger vehicles, they are much larger weighing up to 20-30 times more, and with much more ground clearance.

Data from truck and passenger vehicle accidents best put this into perspective. In total, passenger vehicle occupants accounted for 66% of fatalities involving trucks in 2022. However, when you isolate accidents involving only two vehicles, passenger vehicle occupants account for 96% of vehicle occupant deaths. Data from other years also demonstrates a similar percentage.

While Car Accidents Have Fallen, 18-Wheeler Crashes are on the Rise

In general, motor vehicle accidents have been a major cause of concern over the past few decades. Due to several measures and increased awareness of the need for responsible driving, the number of car accidents has been reducing. However, freight trucks have proven to be an anomaly in this trend as accidents have been increasing.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the number of large truck fatality crashes increased 18% between 2020 and 2021 and a 52% increase in large truck fatality crashes between 2010 and 2021. As a comparison, fatalities involving passenger vehicles saw a decrease between 2021 and 2022, according to the latest data from theU.S. Department of Transportation.

This trend is more evident in larger trucks in the weight category of 10,000 to 14,000 pounds wheer fatality crashes increased 32% between 2019-2021.

More Than Half of Truck Accidents Occur on Major Roads

The US road network comprises different types of roads. These include major roads, freeways, and interstates. Regardless of the road you are on, it’s safe to say it’s never too long before you see a truck. Though one may assume that truck accidents are distributed somewhat evenly across the different types of roads, that’s not the case.

IIHS states that of the 4,764 deaths in large truck crashes in 2022, 2,318 deaths occurred on major roads other than interstates and freeways, contributing to 49% of the total. The other deaths were distributed between interstates, freeways, and minor roads, accounting for 35% and 16%, respectively.

47% of Large Truck Accident Deaths Occur Between 6 a.m. and 3 p.m.

As evident from previous statistics, truck accidents affect passenger vehicle occupants most. This is why truck accident deaths are significantly higher when there’s high passenger vehicle activity.

In 2022, 17% of truck accident fatalities occurred on Saturday and Sunday. Additionally, 47% of fatal truck crashes occur between 6 a.m. and 3 p.m. In comparison, only 28% of fatal car crashes occur during that time.

Car Accident Fatalities Have a Higher Chance of Being Caused by Intoxicated Car Drivers

In a bid to understand the true causes of truck accidents, the FMCSA conducted the Large Truck Study. Contrary to what most people believe, in 2021 only 6% of large truck drivers involved in fatal crashes tested positive for at least one illegal drug, conversely 17% of drivers of all other vehicles involved in fatal crashes tested positive for at least one drug.

The study revealed that speeding was the primary cause of accidents for both large truck drivers and drivers of all vehicles. For large truck drivers, the second most common cause was inattention (cell phone, eating, lost in thought), whereas for drivers of other vehicles, it was impairment (fatigue, alcohol, illness, etc.). Another 5% of truck accidents are attributed to aggressive driving.

According to the IIHS, in 2022, only 4% of large truck drivers fatally injured in crashes had a blood alcohol content (BAC) at or above 0.08%, while 31% of passenger car drivers killed had a 0.08% BAC or above that same year.

Seat Belt Use Is Observed in 44% of Truck Driver Fatalities

Wearing seatbelts is one of the most effective methods of reducing the risk of serious injury or death in the event of a crash. However, depending on the magnitude of the impact, passengers can still get injured fatally. Of all the truck drivers fatally injured in accidents in 2022, 44% were wearing seatbelts. Though it is fair to point out that belt use among 19% of fatally injured truck drivers was unknown, that’s still a high percentage.

Wearing seatbelts should be accompanied by responsible driving, proper vehicle maintenance, and other measures to help lower the risk of a fatal crash.

Most Dangerous Type of Truck Accidents For Truck Drivers: Rollover Accidents

Compared to other types of truck accidents, rollover truck accidents are the most dangerous for truck occupants. According to the IIHS, of the 823 truck occupant deaths in 2022, 412 were involved in accidents where their vehicles rolled over. This accounts for 50% of all truck occupant deaths in 2022. This percentage is higher than that of SUV and pickup occupant deaths from rollover accidents, which are 37% and 39%, respectively.

Undoubtedly, other than pedestrians and cyclists, passenger vehicle occupants are the most at risk on roads. According to the IIHS, 32% of passenger vehicle occupant deaths were due to head-on collisions, with a large truck in 2022. In accidents where passenger vehicles rear-ended the truck or were side-struck, the death rate for both stood at 21% and 25%, respectively.

Loaded Tractor-Trailers Require Up to 40% More Space to Stop

One of the challenges of being a large truck driver is that the vehicles are somewhat more prone to accidents, but you have less time to react. This is primarily due to the size and weight of trucks. With loaded tractor-trailers, 40% more space is needed for them to come to a stop compared to passenger vehicles. This means that the drivers should be extremely focused at all times as they have less time to react.

Tractor-Trailer Trucks Involved in 73% of Fatal Truck Crashes in 2022

The weight and size of a vehicle significantly affect its maneuverability and stability. This is why trucks are more susceptible to accidents than passenger vehicles. This observation is also evident among different-sized trucks. In comparison, single-unit trucks were involved in 28% of fatal truck-involved accidents, while tractor-trailer trucks contributed to 73% of fatal crashes.

What’s Next After an Accident Involving a Large Truck?

Accidents involving large trucks are usually catastrophic. Victims are either injured seriously or killed, and the property damage can be significant. If you live through such an ordeal, you may end up with lifelong injuries or suffer other forms of . One of the best ways to mitigate these losses is by seeking legal recourse.

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we have a team of truck accident lawyers with decades of experience with accidents involving large trucks. Reach out to us today for a free consultation on how best to proceed with your case.

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