What is “PIP” coverage on my auto insurance policy?

One of the questions we hear most frequently as personal injury lawyers is “Who is responsible for my medical bills if I’m hurt in a car accident?” In Pennsylvania, you would first go through your Personal Injury Protection or “PIP” coverage. Once you’ve exhausted your PIP, you would then turn to your own health insurance for the remaining medical costs.
What is PIP coverage?
Personal injury protection or “PIP” pays for your own medical costs when you’ve been hurt in an accident. This is true no matter who is at fault for the crash. This is why PIP is sometimes referred to as “no fault” insurance. Your PIP also covers you when you’re a passenger hurt in someone else’s vehicle, or if you’re hit as a pedestrian or on a bicycle.
Do I have PIP coverage on my policy?
If you’re a Pennsylvania driver, the answer is yes. While PIP is optional in most states, Pennsylvania is one of 16 states where PIP is mandatory when buying auto insurance.
What if my medical bills exceed my PIP coverage?
In Pennsylvania, the minimum amount of PIP coverage is $5,000. So, it’s not uncommon for your medical costs to exceed that amount, especially if you’ve been seriously injured in an accident. If the other driver was at fault for your accident, you may be able to recover more of the costs you incur as the victim. This is where a personal injury lawyer comes in. To find out more, contact a car accident lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys.
Posted in Munley News.