Medical Malpractice

How Long Do I Have to Sue a Hospital?

Millions of people entrust their health and safety to medical professionals daily, believing they are in good hands. This trust is a testament to the high that hospitals are expected to uphold. However, there are instances when this trust isHow Long Do I Have to Sue a Hospital broken, and healthcare providers fail to meet this standard, leading to medical errors that harm patients. This is what we refer to as medical .

occurs when a healthcare provider’s action or inaction deviates from the accepted standard of care, directly harming a patient. Examples of medical malpractice include misdiagnosis, birth injuries, and wrongful death. These errors can have severe consequences, damaging the trust in doctor-patient relationships and causing significant harm.

If you have been a victim of medical malpractice, understand that you cannot take legal action at any time. Specific time limits, […]

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