Car Accidents

October is Car Care Month – Give Your Vehicle a Check-Up

car care tipsSafe driving begins with a well-maintained car. October is Car Care Month at AAA, and the change in seasons is a perfect time to make sure your vehicle is in good shape.

Four Things to Check During Car Care Month

Tires – Worn out or improperly inflated tires can spell danger on the road. The change in temperature that comes with the changing seasons can affect your tire pressure, so make sure all four tires are at the proper level. The roads can also be more slick during the fall; wet leaves on the road can be as bad as ice. Worn tires have less traction, so check your tire tread with a quarter. Hint: If George Washington’s entire head is visible, you should get new tires. Get more tire tips here.

Oil – Your car works hard all summer, […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

Fatal Car Crashes Rise Sharply in 2016

car crash traffic deathsFatal car crashes are soaring, and the government is scrambling to come up with a way to bring these numbers down.

Nearly 18,000 people have been killed in accidents so far this year, an increase of more than 10% over the same period in 2015. From 2014 to 2015, traffic deaths jumped more than 7%, the largest year-over-year increase since the 1960s. This year’s surge will likely surpass that record.

It’s true that Americans are driving more miles than they did last year (3.3% more), but not enough to account for the increase in crashes.

Road to Zero Fatal Car Crashes

A number of safety groups have come together to form Road to Zero, a coalition aimed at lowering the number of traffic deaths to zero by the year 2046. Their goal is inspired by Swedish policies begun in 1997 that brought crashes down 50% in less than 15 years. […]

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Pennsylvania #3 in the U.S. for Deer Collisions

deer collisionIt’s the first day of fall. The new season brings lots to look forward to.  But, for Pennsylvania drivers, it also means you’re more likely to encounter a deer on the road.

Pennsylvania is now #3 in the U.S. for deer collisions – up from #4 last year. State Farm estimates that one in 67 Pennsylvania drivers will file an for a involving a deer in 2016.

Why does the risk increase in the fall? October through December is deer mating season, which also coincides with hunting season when deer are likely to be on the move. At the same time, days are getting shorter and darkness falls earlier, reducing driver visibility.

Tips to avoid hitting a deer

  • Slow down, particularly at dusk and dawn. Especially on rural roads or in wooded areas, […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.


New Red Light Law Takes Effect in Pennsylvania

red light lawYesterday, a new red light law went into effect in Pennsylvania.  Our Philadelphia car accident lawyers have done a breakdown of what the new law means and how it applies to you.

Under the new law, drivers may go through a red light under certain circumstances. For instance, if the light appears to be broken, or if the sensor appears to be malfunctioning, drivers may legally pass through the light.

The law was originally created with motorcyclists in mind. In many cases, lights are activated by sensors under the pavement that detect when a car approaches an intersection and trigger the light to turn green. Unfortunately, the sensors don’t always pick up on motorcycles, and so the light does not change. The new law aims to offer a practical solution to this problem.

Red light law and safety

Some people have expressed safety concerns regarding the new red light law. […]

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Posted in Car Accidents.

What’s between a close call and a crash? Your brakes

repair brakes brake pads3 ways to check the status of your brakes

What does that sound mean? An unusual noise is one of the most common signs that your brakes may need attention.

According to AAA, your brakes are the most important safety system on your vehicle. It’s true that a properly working brake system can mean the difference between a close call and a crash. Over time, brake systems become worn and brakes just don’t work like they did when they were new. Regular brake inspection and maintenance can help keep them in good working order and keep you safer.

How to tell if something’s wrong with your brakes

  1. Listen – Does your car make a grinding or scraping noise when you apply the brakes? If so, take it in for an inspection immediately. That sound can be a sign that your brake pads need replacing. […]

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