Despite Ban, Teens Using Cell Phones While Driving
According to a recent study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, despite states’ efforts to outlaw teen drivers from chatting on their cell phones, it is occurring at the same level as before the bans went into effect.
Earlier this week, researchers released the finding of an in depth look at North Carolina’s teen driver cell phone ban. They found that even though 95% of parents and 74% of teens support the ban, the new law isn’t reducing the number of teens using their phones while driving. Prior to the ban going into effect, researchers observed 11% of teens leaving high schools with one hand on the wheel, one hand on their phone. Then, after the ban was passed, researchers went back to the same high schools and observed 12% of teens chatting away while driving.
Researchers found that females were more likely than their male counterparts to be using cell phones while driving. […]
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Tagged Distracted Driving
Carseat 101
Ten tips to keep your child safe in a car seat
It is frightening to think that each day 5 children are killed in automobile accidents – and another 586 will suffer injuries. It is even scarier to consider 1700 kids die a year, almost half of which are unrestrained passengers.
By simply securing your child in a car safety seat, you can reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71% for infants under one, and 54% for toddlers between one and four years old.
For some, installing a child safety seat can be an arduous task. Perhaps that’s why as many of 85% of car seats are installed incorrectly or are not the right size for the child. By following these simple guidelines, we can help you keep your family safe.
1. Always read & follow the instructions from the manufacturer of the seat. […]
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Tagged Department of Transportation
AAA: 9% Admit Driving Drunk, 54% Admit Using Phone While Driving
Traffic safety poll displays drivers’ hypocritical behavior
The AAA Foundation, the non-profit arm of AAA Auto Club, recently released its annual Traffic Safety Culture Index for 2008.
The survey, conducted on nearly 3,000 American motorists 18+, revealed a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality amongst most drivers.
75% of those surveyed feel that they are safer drivers than others out on our nation’s roadways; however, most admit to engaging in the same risky behavior they deem “serious or extremely serious” safety violations by others.
87% rate drunk driving as the number one concern they have about roadway safety; however, 9% (roughly 15 million adult motorists) admit to having driven under the influence within the past 30 days. This includes almost 2% that report doing it “very often.”
After drunk driving, […]
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Tagged Distracted Driving Drunk Driving
DriveCam: A Trucker’s Best Friend or Worst Enemy?
We’ve been hearing a lot lately about a product called DriveCam. These little video cameras are starting to pop up in tractor-trailers and commercial vehicle across the country. The camera is mounted near the rear-view mirror and records video and audio 24/7. However, the DriveCam is similar to a black box in that, it only keeps a few seconds of footage before and after an occurrence of “exceptional force” (i.e. hard braking, swerving, collision, etc.).
The company claims that using their product can help other companies identify and improve risky driver behaviors, thus, reducing vehicle damages, workers’ compensation and personal injury costs by 30 to 90 percent. That’s quite a claim. Watch a CNN interview with the CEO of DriveCam here.
Some truckers are against DriveCam, feeling like “Big Brother” is invading the cab. However, some are excited about its possibilities. […]
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