What is a Benefit?
A benefit in personal injury law refers to financial assistance from an employer, insurer, or social program during sickness, disability, or unemployment. Examples of personal injury benefits can include financial compensation for lost wages or direct payment for medical procedures. Indirectly, benefits ensure that negligent parties are held responsible and encourage safer practices to prevent future injuries.
When discussing personal injury law, the American Bar Association (ABA) states, “Personal injury law allows an injured person to go to civil court and get a legal remedy for all losses stemming from an accident…” Benefits are one of the previously mentioned remedies for the injury that has occurred, to restore the injured person to the position they were in before the injury occurred, as much as possible, mainly when this occurs while working.
For example, if Jane slips on a wet floor and bangs her head while at work, her company is liable, and they would likely pay her medical bills. The coverage of her medical bills is a benefit Jane would receive from the company. As benefits help those injured, understanding it is essential for anyone navigating a personal injury claim, as they provide those injured with a way of restoring their lives.
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Pennsylvania personal injury lawyer warns of the health risk of shift work
The National Sleep Foundation defines as shift worker as anyone who follows a work schedule outside of the typical 9 to 5 business day. Millions of Americans are considered shift workers, including doctors and nurses, pilots, police officers, customer service reps and commercial drivers among others.
According to WebMD, there are about 8.6 million people performing shift work in the U.S., either through rotating shifts during the week, or working a night job. WebMD quoted a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School as saying that there is strong evidence that shift work is related to a number of serious health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Shift work has also been linked to ulcers and other stomach problems, as well as depression and an increased risk of accidents or injury.
Shift Workers and Fatigue
One of the most serious problems shift workers face is frequent sleep disturbance that results in excessive sleepiness and fatigue. […]
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How Much Will I Be Paid for Lost Wages?
As Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyers, we often find that one of the most common problems related to workers’ comp is how little people know about it. If you’ve never been hurt at work before, the claims process can be confusing. You’ll probably have lots of questions about how and when you can recover your lost wages.
One of the most common ones is: How much will I be paid for my lost wages?
If you suffer an injury on the job that prevents you from being able to work, workers’ compensation insurance exists to cover your medical bills and your wages until you can work again. In this way, workers can recover their losses without resorting to a lawsuit. Just how much you will receive, however, can vary.
Typically, you’ll receive compensation benefits for 2/3 (or 66.6%) of your average weekly wage. […]
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National Board of Trial Advocacy Re-Certifies Dan Munley
The National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA) is pleased to announce that Daniel Munley has successfully achieved recertification as a civil trial advocate. The NBTA was formed out of a strong conviction that both the law profession and its clients would benefit from an organization designed specifically to create an objective set of standards illustrating an attorney’s experience and expertise in the practice of trial law.
Along with Attorneys Marion Munley, J. Christopher Munley, and John Mulcahey at the Munley firm, Daniel Munley is part a growing number of trial attorneys that have illustrated their commitment to bettering the legal profession by successfully completing a rigorous application process and providing the consumer of legal services with an objective measure by which to choose qualified and experienced legal counsel.
The elaborate screening of credentials that all NBTA board certified attorneys must successfully complete includes: demonstration of substantial trial experience, […]
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Our Promise
Our Iron-Clad Commitment to our Clients
As your attorneys, we will commit all of our resources and knowledge to you. As our client, we guarantee you will receive nothing but professional, honest legal representation.
- You will never pay one cent for our services unless we successfully obtain financial compensation for your injuries.
- We will always keep your best interest in mind, and we will keep you informed about all relevant settlement offers made on your case.
- Your case will be handled by a professional, experienced, and highly skilled attorney at all times.
- We will work harder for you than any other firm.
- Our lawyers work together to give you the benefit of having the insight, experience, and combined efforts of our entire team.
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Pennsylvania personal injury lawyer, Marion Munley, warns of the FDA investigation of testosterone products due to health risks
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced that it is investigating the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death in men taking FDA-approved testosterone or “low-T” products, including AndroGel. This comes in light of two recent studies that showed higher rates of cardiovascular problems in men taking these drugs.
According to several lawsuits filed in February in Ilinois federal court, Abbot Laboratories, Inc., and AbbVie Inc. downplayed the stroke and heart attack risks associated with testosterone replacement treatment AndroGel.
The two drugmakers have engaged in an extensive advertising campaign about low testosterone, telling consumers that the natural effects of aging in men, such as listlessness and weight gain, were actually symptoms of the condition that could be treated with their products, according to the lawsuits, brought separately by five plaintiffs.
The suits came four days after the FDA announced it was investigating possible increased risks of stroke, […]
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