Distracted Driving

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted Driving is when a person operates a motor vehicle while engaging in activities that divert attention from driving tasks, such as:

  • Talking on a cell phone
  • Using a navigation system
  • Texting or emailing
  • Eating
  • Adjusting hair or makeup
  • Using the audio system
  • Texting
What is Distracted Driving?

What is Distracted Driving?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “Distracted driving is any activity that…takes your attention away from the task of safe driving.” Studies have shown that texting while driving significantly increases the likelihood of a crash or near-crash event. The detrimental effects of distracted driving can range from minor fender-benders to severe accidents resulting in life-altering injuries or fatalities.

Understanding the risks associated with distracted driving and adopting safe driving practices can help mitigate its adverse impacts on road safety and overall public safety.

More information about Distracted Driving

Car Accident Round-up — Cell Phone/Text Messaging Implicated In S.C Teen’s Death

Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents in the United States

Cell Phone/Text Messaging Involved In S.C Teen’s Death

South Carolina State troopers say a high school senior was killed when her Honda Accord crossed the center lane and hit the rear tires of a log ‘s trailer which was traveling in the opposite direction. The accident happened in Beaufort County. Witnesses say the student appeared to be looking down at the time of the accident and information retrieved from her phone shows she was reading and sending text messages while driving home from school. She had read a text less than a minute before the first 911 call was made, reports WITN.com.

One Dead and One Injured In Fiery Salt Lake City Crash

It is not yet know if a woman died from her injuries after her Mazda sedan hit a pickup truck in downtown Salt Lake City or if she died from the flames when her car caught fire after the impact, […]

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More information about Distracted Driving

Car Accident Round-Up — All Is Not ‘OK’ When Text Messaging Before Car Wreck

Distracted driving including text messaging is a leading cause of car accidents

Homeless Man Dead After Thanksgiving Accident With Jackie Autry’s Car

The widow of former Angels owner Gene Autry says the Thanksgiving night event which left a homeless man dead was an accident, reports the Los Angeles Times. She was driving home from a Thanksgiving dinner and traveling about 25 mph when she hit a man who crossed the street with no lights and wearing black clothes. She called 911 but the man died about an hour later, the paper reported.

Forty Plus Car Accidents In Delaware County Due To Winter Weather

Wednesday’s brutal weather, which followed months of above average temperatures, brought over 40 car accident reports to police departments in Delaware County, reports the starpress.com.  Injuries, roll-overs, and vehicular entrapments were reported, but no fatalities.

Two Car Accident Closes Route 29 in Easton, […]

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Despite Ban, Teens Using Cell Phones While Driving

According to a recent study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, despite states’ efforts to outlaw teen drivers from chatting on their cell phones, it is occurring at the same level as before the bans went into effect.

Earlier this week, researchers released the finding of an in depth look at North Carolina’s teen driver cell phone ban. They found that even though 95% of parents and 74% of teens support the ban, the new law isn’t reducing the number of teens using their phones while driving. Prior to the ban going into effect, researchers observed 11% of teens leaving high schools with one hand on the wheel, one hand on their phone. Then, after the ban was passed, researchers went back to the same high schools and observed 12% of teens chatting away while driving.

Researchers found that females were more likely than their male counterparts to be using cell phones while driving. […]

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AAA: 9% Admit Driving Drunk, 54% Admit Using Phone While Driving

Traffic safety poll displays drivers’ hypocritical behavior

The AAA Foundation, the non-profit arm of AAA Auto Club, recently released its annual Traffic Safety Culture Index for 2008.

The survey, conducted on nearly 3,000 American motorists 18+, revealed a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality amongst most drivers.

75% of those surveyed feel that they are safer drivers than others out on our nation’s roadways; however, most admit to engaging in the same risky behavior they deem “serious or extremely serious” safety violations by others.

87% rate as the number one concern they have about roadway safety; however, 9% (roughly 15 million adult motorists) admit to having driven under the influence within the past 30 days. This includes almost 2% that report doing it “very often.”

After drunk driving, […]

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