Drunk Driving

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Tips to Avoid Car Accidents for the Fourth of July Weekend

Caroline MunleyBesides an abundance of national pride, barbecues, and fireworks, July Fourth weekend also sees a rise in travelers on the road. With this, comes a surge in road traffic and car accidents.

In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Fourth of July weekend is either the deadliest day for drivers or the second-deadliest day, based on data collected for more than 20 years. While weather conditions aren’t much of a factor during the summer months, driving under the influence of alcohol is—and when it comes to Independence Day weekend, it’s the main contributor to these traffic fatalities. “During the 2012 July 4th weekend, in fatal accidents between 9 p.m. and midnight, 59% of the drivers were drunk,” reports the NHTSA. Their research goes on to state that 40 percent of all highway deaths between 2007 and 2011 were caused by over this holiday weekend; […]

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The Dangers of Driving Drowsy

Driving impaired doesn’t have to mean driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It can also mean driving while drowsy—a practice that leads to more than 100,000 crashes each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Of this total, 40,000 injuries and 1,500 deaths are reported. In fact, a study showed that driving while being awake for 18 hours was the same as driving with a blood alcohol level of .05. Driving after being awake for 24 hours was equal to a blood alcohol level of .10—a level of .08 is legally drunk.

As with , sleep-deprived driving also inhibits a person’s reaction time, , and vision; causes problems with information processing and short-term memory; decreases awareness, and increases aggressiveness.

Unfortunately, in the commercial truck driving culture, getting behind the wheel, […]

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Cost of car crashes shows importance of safety measures

Robert W Munley IIIAccording to a new study released by the U.S. Department of Transportations National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the price tag of car crashes comes at a heavy burden for Americans at $871 billion in economic and societal harm. This includes $277 billion in economic costs, nearly $900 for each person living in the U.S., and $594 billion in harm from loss of life and the pain and decreased due to injuries.

The study was based on 2010 statistics, which included a staggering 32,999 motor vehicle crash fatalities, 3.9 million non-fatal injuries, and 24 million damaged vehicles. We all know that no amount of money can replace the loss of a loved one or the when you are critically injured in a car crash. These figures show us the importance of a greater investment in vehicle safety, […]

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Pennsylvania personal injury lawyer warns beware of drunk drivers

Robert W Munley IIIThe summer months are filled with graduation , reunions, picnics and other celebrations and travels. This time of year also brings an increase in drunk drivers.

According to the U.S. , every 2-hours, three people are killed in this country in alcohol-related highway crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 33,561 crash fatalities in 2012, of those 31% or 10,322 involved a drunk driver. This was a 4.6% increase from the previous year.

In 2012, 239 children age 14 and younger were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. Of those, 124 were in the vehicle with a drunk driver. The NHTSA reported that the rate of alcohol impairment among drivers in fatal crashes in 2012 was nearly 4 times higher at night than during the day. 15% of al drivers involved in fatal crashes during the week were alcohol-impaired, […]

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Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyer Reports on the Hazardous Combination of Drinking and Driving

Every day we read and watch more news reports of accidents, many involving children in the vehicle, and a high percentage resulting in fatalities. Any crash involving a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher is considered to be an alcohol-impaired driving crash. According to a recently released report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Impaired, there were 10,322 fatalities in alcohol-impaired crashes in 2012. 28 people die every day in America as a result of these crashes. NHTSA also reported that car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens, and about a quarter involve an underage drinker.

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD), reported that an estimated 32% of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. Alcohol affects attentiveness and one’s ability to make quick decisions on the road, […]

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