
What is an Insurer?

An Insurer is, “the underwriter or insurance company with whom a contract of insurance is made.” (Black’s Law Dictionary 946. 4th Ed. Rev. 1968). It is important not to confuse the insurer with the insured. The insurer is the party offering insurance, while the insured is the individual who receives insurance (the policyholder). Usually the insurer is an insurance company.

Insurers usually have a pool of policyholders at any given time. Insurers draft policies and agree to terms with policyholders. When a policyholder experiences a loss covered by the policy, they file a claim with the insurer. The insurer reviews the claim and covers the loss if it meets the policy’s terms. 

Insurers are subjected to legal obligations. They, like the policyholders, are legally bound by insurance contracts. They are also regulated by government agencies, which serve to make them operate legally and fairly. If an insurer fails to process claims fairly, unreasonably denies claims, or delays payments, it may be acting in bad faith. Policyholders can take legal action against insurers for such practices.

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Doctors on Probation for Gross Misconduct Still Practicing

hospital infectionWould you want to know if your doctor was on disciplinary probation?

When it comes to a physician’s disciplinary history, patients are kept very much in the dark. Physicians all over the country who have been disciplined for sexual misconduct, drug abuse, and devastating medical mistakes are still practicing, some while on probation, and they are not required to disclose their probationary status to their current patients.

Meanwhile, medical errors 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.

Recently, Senator Jerry Hill of California authored a bill that would require doctors to inform patients of their probationary status. The legislation didn’t pass.

Is your doctor on probation?

Under current laws, doctors are required to disclose their disciplinary history to the hospital or practice where they work, and to their medical , […]

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7 Ways to Fast-Track Your Sandy Insurance Claim

Claim your insurance protection for damage done by Hurricane Sandy

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, thousands of Pennsylvanians are filing claims under homeowners, auto, health and even life insurance policies.

Many will face long waits and daunting paperwork.

Some insurance slowdowns are inevitable following a disaster of Sandy’s proportions. Damage estimates range from $7 billion to $50 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal.

But by taking a few simple steps Pennsylvania residents can improve the odds of their claims getting fast-tracked for approval:

  • Do your homework. Take pictures or video of the damage. Before-and-after photographs, purchase records and contractor estimates for repairs are especially valuable.
  • Hurry up and file your . “Experts say that many homeowners hesitate because they aren’t really sure if they have enough damage to merit a claim—or at least a claim that is more than the value of the policy’s ,” the Wall Street Journal reported. […]

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Pennsylvania Drivers Near Bottom of the List of Safest Drivers

Allstate, the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines , released the results of its 2012 “Allstate America’s Best Drivers Report.” The report ranks America’s 200 largest cities according to car collision frequency in an effort to identify America’s safest drivers.

According to the report, Americans, on average, are in an accident every 10 years. Sioux Falls, South Dakota holds the honor as the city with the safest drivers for the fifth time – the report has been conducted for eight years.  Sioux Falls drivers average an accident once every 13.8 years.

Pittsburgh is ranked 168th on the list with drivers averaging an accident every 7.5 years. Philadelphia is just 10 spots from the bottom, at 190, with drivers averaging an accident every 6.1 years. This is 64.1% higher than the national average.

Allstate’s Best Driver’s Report was created to boost the country’s discussion on safe driving. […]

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