
What is a Loss?

A loss is the monetary value assigned to an injury or damage in a personal injury claim, including pain and suffering, past and future income, future medical care, at-home assistance, current medical bills, etc.

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, “loss” is defined as “the harm or damage resulting from an injury; the deprivation or detriment to an owner or possessor as a result of a judgment or voluntary transfer of property.” As such, loss is often a broad term in law, encompassing both tangible and intangible impacts as loss can come from a variety of forms of damages.  

Legal principles governing loss aim to provide remedies, compensation, or restitution to individuals or entities adversely affected by wrongful acts, accidents, or adverse events. Loss can include economic loss, personal loss or property loss. The assessment of loss often involves evaluating evidence, calculating damages, and applying legal standards to determine liability and appropriate remedies in civil litigation or legal disputes. As a legal term, loss underscores the importance of addressing and mitigating the impacts of losses through legal recourse and equitable remedies in accordance with applicable laws and judicial principles.

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Robert Munley notes the increase in youth sports concussions

Robert W Munley IIIA new study published this month in the American Journal of Sports Medicine found that there was a continuous increase in concussions among high school athletes between 2005 and 2012. The rate of concussions nearly doubled from .23 concussions per 1,000 athletes in 2006 to .52 per 1,000 in 2012.

A is an injury to the brain that produces a transient of brain function with symptoms of dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, headache and vision changes.

The study was authored by Joseph Rosenthal, a clinical assistant of physical medicine and rehabilitation at The Ohio State University and a group of his colleagues utilizing data from the High School Reporting Information Online sports injury surveillance system. The system contains data from a representative sample of 100 U.S. high schools that have at least one certified trainer on staff.

The report studied boys’ […]

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Workers’ Compensation Questions & Answers

workers compensation

Frequently Asked Workers’ Compensation Questions

Q: I’ve Been in an Accident at Work. What’s the First Thing I Should Do?

A: Right after a job-related accident, no matter how minor it may seem, you should immediately report your injury to your supervisor and make sure that a written record is made. Once you report the injury, seek medical assistance as soon as possible to learn how severe the injury is and get treatment. Both these two steps are crucial for your . If you fail to report the accident to your supervisor as soon as possible, your claim may be denied.

Q: Is There a Statute of Limitations for Workers’ Compensation Cases?

A: Under Pennsylvania law, a notice of any injury suffered while on the job must be provided to a supervisor at your place of employment within 120 days of the date of injury. […]

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Car Accident Lawyers Questions & Answers

car accident attorney

Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: If I’ve Been in a Car Accident, do I Need a Lawyer?

A: It depends. If you did not suffer any injuries in the accident, you may settle your without need for legal help. However, if you or someone you know were injured in the accident, the claim becomes more complicated. As the injured victim, you have the right to seek compensation from the at- party for your medical costs, , and other losses.  Insurance companies have high-paid lawyers and experts who will fight against you to make sure you get as little money as possible. Statistically, people represented by lawyers get three times more settlement money than people who do it themselves. So, while you don’t need a lawyer, […]

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NC Woman Dies in Car Accident While Posting to Facebook

James Christopher MunleyThe National Safety Council Cell Phone Crash Estimate Model reports that there have been an estimated 333,300 crashes so far this year in the U.S. involving drivers using cell phones and texting, or about one every 30 seconds. A North Carolina woman died behind the wheel of her car last week just moments after posting a Facebook message and hitting a truck head on.

According to police, the woman posted to Facebook and one minute later, a call came in about the crash. The 32-year old woman died after drifting across a grass median and slamming into a truck. An investigation of her online activity also found that she had been posting selfies as she drove. This is a tragedy we see all too often.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), stated that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in , […]

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Pennsylvania personal injury lawyer discusses the problem of nursing home abuse

Millions of Americans place their loved ones in nursing homes every year with the belief that they will be well cared for. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse is a very real problem in the United States. From malnutrition to overmedication and mental and physical abuse, there are a variety of ways that residents can be mistreated in a nursing home. An estimated 3.3 million Americans lived in nursing homes in 2013, which translates to 1 in 7 people ages 65 and up and 1 in 5 of those 85 and older. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), Bureau of Justice Statistics, 36% of nursing homes have been in violation of elder abuse laws.

CNN has reported that 90% of nursing home facilities are understaffed, and one in 3 across the country have been cited for nursing home abuse and other related infractions. Demographics show that the incidents of nursing home abuse will likely rise. […]

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