What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?
Personal Injury Protection is a type of auto insurance coverage that provides first-party benefits for medical expenses, loss of income, funeral expenses, and similar expenses without considering fault. In Pennsylvania, coverage includes $10,000 in medical benefits, $5,000 in death benefits, and $2,500 for non-emergency medical conditions.
According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), Personal Injury Protection is “an extension of car insurance available in some U.S. states that covers medical expenses and, in some cases, lost wages and other damages.” Importantly, this protection covers costs for policyholders regardless of who is at fault in an accident. PIP coverage is designed to ensure prompt medical treatment and financial support for individuals injured in auto accidents, without the need for lengthy legal proceedings to establish fault.
Personal Injury Protection is particularly beneficial for minor accidents where fault is unclear, and states with no-fault insurance law, as it provides immediate coverage, reduces litigation, and provides comprehensive protection. Understanding Personal Injury Protection is crucial for drivers to make informed decisions about their auto insurance coverage, ensuring they are adequately protected in the event of an accident.
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Bethlehem Car Accident Lawyer
Car accidents in Bethlehem, PA, often result in serious personal injury, loss of income, or even death. Many collisions in the State of Pennsylvania are avoidable: drivers who should be careful on the road become negligent and engage in reckless or potentially dangerous behaviors while driving.
Sometimes, these car accidents involve other road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, bikers, and trucks. If you have been in an accident and sustained serious injuries, you need all the help you can get. The cost of medical treatment alone can be pretty overwhelming for the average car accident victim – not to mention the injured person’s inability to earn a living while recovering. From there, there’s the added problem of battling the insurance companies to secure your compensation.
The car accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys can help you or your loved one recover compensation for the injuries sustained in a Bethlehem, […]
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What is “PIP” coverage on my auto insurance policy?
One of the questions we hear most frequently as personal injury lawyers is “Who is responsible for my medical bills if I’m hurt in a car accident?” In Pennsylvania, you would first go through your Personal Injury Protection or “PIP” coverage. Once you’ve exhausted your PIP, you would then turn to your own health insurance for the remaining medical costs.
What is PIP coverage?
Personal injury protection or “PIP” pays for your own medical costs when you’ve been hurt in an accident. This is true no matter who is at fault for the crash. This is why PIP is sometimes referred to as “no fault” insurance. Your PIP also covers you when you’re a passenger hurt in someone else’s vehicle, or if you’re hit as a pedestrian or on a bicycle.
Do I have PIP coverage on my policy? […]
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Do I need to purchase rental car insurance?
If you’re traveling this summer, you may decide to rent a car for a road trip, or just to explore your vacation destination. When you rent a car, you have the option to purchase rental car insurance at the counter. Is this a good idea, or a waste of money? The answer is that it most likely depends on what kind of insurance you already have, if any. Some drivers absolutely need to buy rental insurance, but others don’t. And chances are you probably don’t need all of the coverages they offer.
Let us explain…
The different rental car insurance options
Liability coverage – Also known as “supplemental liability coverage.” Liability coverage is required in all states. This is the coverage that applies if you hurt someone or damage their property in an auto accident. If you have sufficient liability coverage on your personal auto policy, […]
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