What is A Verdict?
A verdict is a formal decision about the outcome of a case made by a judge or jury. A verdict signifies the conclusion of the fact-finding process, determining the outcome of the case, whether it be a conviction or acquittal in a criminal trial, or a finding for the plaintiff or defendant in a civil trial.
According to Black’s Law Dictionary, a verdict is defined as “the formal decision or finding made by a jury, impaneled and sworn for the trial of a cause, and reported to the court, upon the matters or questions duly submitted to them upon the trial.” As such, it is easy to see that a verdict is the jury’s official and final decision after deliberation, which is then reported to the court.
A verdict definitive resolution to legal disputes, upholding the rule of law, and delivering justice by ensuring that the guilty are held accountable and the innocent are exonerated upon which the entirely. Understanding the concept and implications of a verdict is essential for both legal practitioners and individuals involved in the judicial process to appreciate the finality and significance of this crucial aspect of trials.
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American Electric Power to Pay Close to $ 7 Million in Explosion Death
AEP continues to pay lawsuit verdicts from tragic explosion case
A Marshall County, West Virginia jury found American Electric Power (AEP) negligent in a 2007 explosion, and they must pay close to $7 million to the family of a man that died in the explosion.
The lawsuit was brought on behalf of a Tyler County, WV man who was a truck driver at the Muskingum River Power Plant. The family’s lawyer claimed the explosion was caused by dangerous conditions on the facility’s hydrogen storage tank. They also claimed there was an explosion 15 months prior and AEP had not taken any corrective actions to prevent a similar accident.
An Ohio jury recently returned a $6 million verdict against AEP for a man who was injured in the same explosion.
The power plant is located on the west bank of the Muskingum River, […]
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Family Awarded $7 Million in Wrongful Death Claim
Man volunteered to drive church bus, gets hit and killed by tractor trailer
A widow and her two sons were awarded $6.7 million by a jury in Fresno County, California in the death of her husband who was struck by a tractor-trailer while filling the bus he had been driving with fuel. The wrongful death award also included over $500,000 for a nephew who witnessed the accident and has suffered from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The deceased had volunteered to drive the Sierra Pines Church of Oakhurst bus. When he pulled over on the side of highway State Route 99 in Merced County to put fuel in the bus in April 2009, two approaching semis “became entangled as one attempted to pass the other.” One of the trailers hit the man and the bus.
Lawyers presented testimony, which led to a verdict well beyond the $3 million offered as settlement, […]
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Wal-Mart Distribution Center Employee Awarded $21 Million
A Pike County (Alabama) jury has awarded an employee of Wal-Mart distribution center $21 million for injuries she suffered while working in the banana ripening room, reports the Dothan News.
In April 2008, the then 26-year-old woman was standing in the doorway of one of the newly constructed banana ripening rooms when a 3-4 foot tall metal plate covering the trim at the top of one of the room’s doors fell 30 feet and struck her in the face. She not only suffered face lacerations, but it severed her nerves and muscles in her face.
Several days later, she developed seizures which now occur on a regular basis and puts her at risk of a condition called sudden epileptic death. Due to the seizures, she’s not able to be alone and to completely care for her 2-year-old daughter.
The lawsuit was filed against Thermal Technologies and its contractor, […]
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Wrongful Death Suit Filed After Worker’s Electrocution
Nebraska’s York News-Times reports representatives of a 23-year-old York man’s estate have filed a wrongful death lawsuit claiming his work-related death by electrocution on August 21, 2009 was preventable.
The young man was employed by Crane Grain Services LLC when he was injured and later died. According to the suit, an improperly wired flexible cord was being used at the time and the company used damaged ladders and did not train workers on ladder use.
The petition alleges Nebraskaland Electric “failed to provide a 240 GFCI receptacle outlet, failed to provide adequate electrical safety testing, inspecting and supervision for all electrical cords and components attached to the electrical power and failed to remove all unsafe electrical equipment attached to the power source” following electrical work they did at the site.
The estate is seeking damages “for the exclusive benefit” of the deceased man’s young son who has suffered general damages for loss of services, […]
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South Carolina Mother Files Lawsuit Over Fire That Killed Her Son
SCnow.com reports a Lamar, South Carolina mother has filed a lawsuit against several parties, including her landlord and an electric company, over her 11-year-old’s death in a fire two years ago when the family lived in a manufactured home.
The lawsuit claims the home was “sloppily, recklessly and dangerously electrically wired and uninhabitable” as the suit cites several electrical wiring errors. The lawsuit also claims gross negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress and wrongful death. Knowledge of the electrical problems and the “defendants’ failure to exercise reasonable care and comply with the law” led to the child’s untimely death.
A fire investigator has testified the fire was a result of faulty wiring in the home’s stove.
The lawsuit alleges the landlord was aware of the electrical hazards and of other recurrent electrical problems at the home, […]
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