Click It or Ticket Campaign Aims to Save Lives over Holiday
The Pennsylvania State Police announced it will partner with PennDOT and local police in support of the nationwide “Click It or Ticket” seat belt enforcement campaign sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The campaign, which runs from May 21 through June 10, will focus on seat belt enforcement as well as public outreach to boost awareness of seat-belt safety and laws.
According to the press release, 509 people died last year in Pennsylvania in unbelted crashes, a decrease from 524 such fatalities in 2010. However, the total number of crashes in which people were not wearing seat belts rose last year to 16,298, compared to 15,442 in 2010.
The NHTSA reports that in 2010, safety belts saved an estimated 12,546 lives nationwide. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that wearing a seatbelt is the most effective way to prevent death and serious injury in a crash. […]
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PA Teen Drivers With Teen Passengers Are At a Higher Risk of an Automobile Accident
Our Pennsylvania truck accident attorneys have published a variety of articles stressing the importance of educating teen drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. Last week we presented information regarding Global Youth Traffic Safety Month that kicked off on May 8 to focus on keeping teens safe during the summer when the number of teen car accident fatalities rise.
While we are not “picking” on young drivers, we believe it is critical to pass on as much information to our readers as we can pertaining to teen driving hazards. Unfortunately, a distracted driving or impaired driving accident does not only physically ruin lives, it can also lead to legal and financial issues that can permanently alter a teen’s life.
According to an AP news article, a 16-year-old Connecticut teen is now facing charges, including negligent homicide with a motor vehicle and using a handheld telephone under age 18, […]
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Global Youth Traffic Safety Month Begins
Just Friday we presented information from a study that shows that teenage drivers are in denial that they will be the cause of a distracted driving accident. That may not be the case for all teens, however, and the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) is hoping to rally teen safety advocates to help spread the word to other teens to drive safely.
NOYS announced Tuesday the start of Global Youth Traffic Safety Month. With a focus on a safe summer, the campaign is “targeting young drivers to commit to the safest summer ever to put an end to motor vehicle crashes.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drivers aged 15- to 20-years old are especially vulnerable to death and injury on U.S. roadways. In fact, traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers in America with approximately 5,000 teenagers killed every year. […]
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Young Drivers In Denial That Distracted Driving Affects Them
Just last week we reported on a study from the University of Leeds that found drivers with just one hand on the wheel that are engaged in a “secondary task” are at increased risk of an accident. Now, researchers at Bridgestone Americas report that while teenage drivers realize distracted driving is dangerous, they don’t see everything that takes one hand off the wheel as a distraction.
The survey, that underscores the findings by those at the University of Leeds, found that even though many teenagers and young adults claim they understand distracted driving, they are in denial that it affects them. In fact, one-third of those surveyed admit to reading text messages while driving, and nearly 25% surveyed do not believe that talking on the phone while driving is dangerous.
The company surveyed 2000 drivers aged 15- to 21-years-old. Among the findings, […]
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PA Drivers: Keep Both Hands on the Wheel!
Studies on distracted driving seem to be dominating the news. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 15 people die, and 1,200 more are injured, nationwide every day due to an accident caused by a distracted driver. While cellphone use is the primary focus of distracted driving campaigns, a new study found that when a driver has just one hand on the steering wheel the risk of an accident increases.
In a study conducted using a driving simulator in Great Britain, researchers at the University of Leeds found that people who eat while driving have a reaction time that is 44 percent slower than those who have both hands on the wheel. The report, “Two Hands are Better Than One,” also found that drivers who sip coffee while behind the wheel are 22 percent slower in their reaction speed and were 18 per cent more likely be unable to maintain a steady central lane position. […]
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