Personal Injury

School Bus Safety for the New School Year

school bus safety tipsA new school year is starting, and millions of kids in the United States will be taking the bus to and from school each day. We’re sharing a some school bus safety tips to help your child get to school and home again safely. Share these with young children riding the bus for the first time, or older kids who can use a reminder…

School Bus Safety Tips

For kids…

  1. When waiting for the bus, stay about six feet (three big steps) away from the curb to stay clear of traffic. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching. Look both ways before crossing the street to get on the bus. It’s best to walk your child to the bus stop and stay with them until it arrives.
  2. When getting off the bus, be sure to look left, […]

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Posted in Personal Injury.

Common Car Seat Mistakes

rear facing car seatNew laws & common car seat mistakes

Pennsylvania’s new car seat law goes into effect next month. The new law will require  all children to be restrained in a rear-facing car seat until at least two years of age.

Why is rear-facing safer?

A rear-facing car seat supports the head and neck, and is designed to distribute the force of a crash across the shell of the car seat in the event of a car accident. Babies’ necks and spinal cords aren’t yet strong enough to withstand the force of a crash or sudden stop. Children under two are five times less likely to die or suffer serious injury in a car accident when restrained in a rear-facing seat.

Switching to a front-facing seat too soon is one of the most common car seat mistakes parents make. […]

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Posted in Personal Injury.

5 Swimming Survival Skills to Teach Your Child

Prevent swimming accidents with these 5 tips!

swimming accidents munley lawSwimming season is well underway!

Swimming can be good exercise and a great way to beat the heat, but it can also be dangerous, particularly for young children. Approximately 800 children drown each year. Safe Kids Worldwide has more information on how to stay safe in the water!

We’re sharing 5 essential swimming survival skills you can teach your child to make them more confident swimmers and to help keep them safe in the water. These tips are simple, but they could save a life.

1. Step or jump into water that is over your head and return to the surface. Help your child practice rising/kicking to the surface of the water, but ONLY when you are there to supervise.

2. Tread water for one minute. Treading water for a longer amount of time will help your child become a stronger swimmer and be less afraid in deep water. […]

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Posted in Personal Injury.

Doctors on Probation for Gross Misconduct Still Practicing

hospital infectionWould you want to know if your doctor was on disciplinary probation?

When it comes to a physician’s disciplinary history, patients are kept very much in the dark. Physicians all over the country who have been disciplined for sexual misconduct, drug abuse, and devastating medical mistakes are still practicing, some while on probation, and they are not required to disclose their probationary status to their current patients.

Meanwhile, medical errors 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.

Recently, Senator Jerry Hill of California authored a bill that would require doctors to inform patients of their probationary status. The legislation didn’t pass.

Is your doctor on probation?

Under current laws, doctors are required to disclose their disciplinary history to the hospital or practice where they work, and to their medical , […]

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Distraction Blamed for Amtrak 188 Wreck

20512219_sLast year, eight people were killed and more than 200 were injured in the derailment of Amtrak 188 near Philadelphia.

For nearly a year, investigators couldn’t determine what led to the tragic accident. The train’s engineer, Brendan Bostian, was known for his attention to safety. He was cleared of any suspicion that he may have been using a cell phone or that he may have been intoxicated at the time. Yet somehow, the train was traveling at more than twice the posted speed limit when it entered a sharp curve and derailed.

This week, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released the conclusion that radio reports of a nearby train that was struck by rocks distracted Bostian, who was likely concerned about the condition of the other train’s engineer or the possibility that there were people on the tracks. The distraction caused him to momentarily lose his bearings, […]

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Posted in Personal Injury.

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