Traumatic Brain Injury

How Can You Know If You Have a Concussion?

How Can You Know If You Have a Concussion?Traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, are different from other injuries. A broken arm, a bad cut, and even a severe burn are visible. What makes head injuries so scary is that they aren’t visible to the naked eye. Therefore, they are more challenging to diagnose.

If you have signs of , it’s important to seek medical care as soon as possible. If symptoms worsen, this can lead to a more severe traumatic brain injury, which can be life-altering and deadly

If you suffered a concussion because of the negligence of another person, call the Munley Law personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation. Our traumatic brain injury attorneys will protect your rights and secure compensation for your losses.

What Is a Concussion?

A concussion is a subset of the neurological injuries known as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). […]

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Traumatic Brain Injury After a Car Accident

Traumatic brain injury () resulting from a motor vehicle accident can cause severe damage to the brain during a collision. The force of the impact may cause the brain to move violently within the skull, leading to injuries that range from mild concussions to severe injuries with permanent damage. Medical care is essential after such traumatic injuries to prevent further complications. Patients recovering from TBIs often face cognitive impairments, emotional instability, and depression, along with physical symptoms like of balance and double vision. Medical professionals emphasize that untreated TBIs can escalate into more serious conditions, such as secondary brain injury, where the brain experiences further damage in the hours to days following the initial impact.

Head-On Collisions: The Leading Cause of Traumatic Brain Injuries

car Accident Resulting in a Crushed Cars that need a car accident lawyerIn head-on collisions, where the front of a vehicle strikes another object or car, […]

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