Big Rig Truck Accidents

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The big rig accident lawyers at Munley Law will protect and preserve all evidence in your big rig accident case. Our team deploys skilled investigators immediately to collect evidence while it’s fresh and available. Let our experienced truck accident attorneys work for you today.

Munley Law has handled some of the nation’s largest trucking cases, winning millions in verdicts and settlements. Our lawyers are recognized as Best Lawyers in America and have three attorneys on staff who are board certified in Truck Accident Law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. We’ve helped shape safer trucking laws and are regularly asked to share our knowledge of trucking accident law with attorneys nationwide.

Contact Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation about your truck accident case. Call us, use our online form, or click “Chat Now” for immediate assistance from a representative. As leading big rig accident lawyers nationwide, we’re ready to help.

$32 Million Wrongful Death

$26 Million Truck Accident

$20 Million Commercial Vehicle Accident

$17.5 Million Car Accident

$12 Million Work Injury

$11 Million Truck Accident

$9 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$7.5 Million Auto Accident

$6.9 Million Garbage Truck Accident

$6.5 Million Traumatic Brain Injury

Why Choose Munley Law for Your Big Rig Accident Case?

It would be best to choose Munley Law for your big rig accident case because our nationally recognized and accredited lawyers have handled personal injury claims involving semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and 18-wheelers for 65 years.

We’re board certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA) in truck accident law, and two of our lawyers serve as leaders of the American Association for Justice Truck Law Group, educating others in the field about big rig accident negligence, , and compensation.

However, the biggest of our accomplishments is the compensation we secure for big rig accident victims. Munley Law has won millions of dollars in truck accident claims, and we can bring that same level of dedication to your case.

Why Are Big Rig Accidents Often Catastrophic?

In North America, commercial trucks go by a few names: semi trucks, tractor trailers, big rigs, and 18-wheelers being the most common. Regardless of what you call it, when a passenger vehicle is involved in a truck crash, the results can be horrific, as big rig accidents often lead to catastrophic injuries and even death.

Average passenger vehicles are around 3,000 pounds. A particularly large passenger vehicle, like an SUV, might weigh in at 5,000 pounds. But a big rig? A fully loaded big rig, or tractor trailer, can easily weigh in at a whopping 80,000 pounds, or 26 times as much as a passenger vehicle. The extreme difference between the size and weight of passenger cars and fully loaded big rigs means that when these two vehicles collide, the car, and those inside it, are far more likely to bear the brunt of the damage. Colliding with a big rig can be a horrific experience. In fact, according to the National Safety Council, 9% of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes are large trucks.

If you or a loved one has experienced an accident involving a big rig, we are so sorry for the suffering you’ve surely endured. We cannot undo it, but we can lead the charge as you fight for justice and rightful compensation. You deserve to have your suffering acknowledged, and to see those at fault held responsible for their negligence. The best way to do that is with the aid of an experienced big rig accident attorney.

Don’t hesitate: contact a truck accident attorney at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today to schedule a free consultation, and learn how we can protect your interests.

What is a big rig?

There are many different kinds of commercial trucks that can cause the kind of damage described above. Specifically, a big rig is a large, 18-wheeler truck. These trucks are the combination of a tractor unit, or tractor cab, with one or more semi-trailers attached to carry freight. These vehicles are also referred to as semi trucks and tractor trailers, and throughout this page, those terms will be used interchangeably.

These kinds of vehicles are used to transport tens of thousands of pounds of freight across the nation. They may carry anything from produce to electronic goods to hazardous materials.

Causes of Large Truck Accidents

Car accidents can be caused by any number of things. Sometimes, events and factors that are out of anyone’s control can lead to a collision. But in many cases, parties involved exhibit negligence that either causes, or at least contributes to, the collision. In the case of big rig accidents, some causes that involve negligence include:

  • Distracted driving

    • can mean a great deal of different things, but the core of it is any behavior that distracts the driver in any way. This can be cognitive distraction (something that takes your mind off the road), visual distraction (something that takes your eyes off the road), or physical (something that takes your hands off the wheel. This can include things like texting, eating, making a phone call, and more.
  • Driving under the influence

    • Commercial truck drivers are held to an even higher standard than non-commercial drivers when it comes to intoxication behind the wheel. In Pennsylvania, the BAC limit for non-commercial drivers is 0.08%, but is a full 50% lower for commercial truck drivers, who can be given a DUI if their BAC is above 0.04%
  • Driving drowsy

    • Truck drivers often drive long distances over long periods of time, and may take limited breaks to rest and recuperate. Unfortunately, this can lead to drowsy driving, and a drowsy truck driver can be nearly as dangerous as an intoxicated one.truck accidents caused by cars
  • Aggressive driving

    • Aggressive driving from a truck driver can be anything that puts other drivers in danger, such as speeding, unsafe lane changing, unsafe passing, tailgating, swerving, and more.
  • Mechanical failure

    • Big rig accidents sometimes occur due to mechanical failure, and in some cases, this failure is due to negligence. This may be negligence on the part of the truck manufacturer, for instance, if they knowingly designed or manufactured a substandard product.
  • Improperly trained drivers

    • Commercial trucking companies have a duty to properly train their drivers.  Accidents can occur when a company fails to provide their drivers with the skills and resources they need in order to perform their job safely.
  • Failure to maintain trucks to an acceptable standard

    • Trucking companies are also required to make sure all of their trucks are in safe and acceptable condition. Accidents can occur if this is not the case.

If you or a loved one has experienced a truck accident and is interested in filing a truck accident , reach out to an accident lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today. We are experts in truck accident cases, and our law firm is prepared to fight on your behalf. Don’t wait: contact a skilled truck accident attorney at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today.

Who is at fault in a commercial truck accident?

As with a typical car accident, there’s a large number of parties who may be liable for a semi truck accident. Some of the people who may be at fault include:

  • The commercial truck driver
    • It’s very possible for an accident to occur as a result of the truck driver’s negligence. If a truck driver was intoxicated, driving aggressively, or speeding, for instance, they would likely bear some responsibility for the crash.
  • The trucking company
    • A trucking company may be at fault if it turns out they failed to properly train or perform background checks on their truck drivers.
  • The truck manufacturer
      • Truck manufacturers have an obligation to ensure their products are safe for use. If they fail to do so, they may be at fault if a truck accident occurs.
  • A third party driver
    • Of course, an accident may involve a truck but be primarily or partially cased by another driver. Perhaps a third party driver swerves into a truck, causing that truck to hit another car.

It’s also possible for multiple parties to share varying degrees of fault. For instance, perhaps a passenger vehicle is speeding and attempts to make it through an intersection after the light turns red. In the intersection, they collide with a big rig, but the big rig driver was also intoxicated, which inhibited their ability to react to the situation and potentially prevent the crash. In a case like this, it is entirely possible for both parties to share some element of fault in the truck crash.

Common truck accident injuries

Something as severe as a serious truck accident can cause all manner of injuries, some of which may even be life threatening. Some of the most common injuries sustained from accidents involving trucks include:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Internal injuries, such as internal bleeding
  • Lacerations
  • Rib and torso injuries
  • And more

Truck accidents can cause severe injuries, and even death. Some of the serious injuries a truck accident may cause can leave the victim requiring lifelong care and treatment. Back and neck injuries may leave a truck accident victim paralyzed; truck accident victims who experience TBIs (traumatic brain injuries) may require additional care for months, years, or the duration of their life. Truck accident injuries are serious, and to be treated as such.

In addition, truck accident victims may also experience things like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. In fact, an article that can be found in the National Library of Medicine notes that “individuals who experience a serious motor vehicle accident (MVA) are at increased risk for psychological problems, particularly Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).” Every accident victims deserves compensation and quality treatment for their physical, psychological, and emotional injuries. Working with truck accident attorneys after a truck crash can help ensure you receive these things.

Why File a Trucking Accident Claim?

truck accident lawyerIn the aftermath of a , the idea of taking on a lawsuit can seem like an overwhelming prospect. But when you work with a Munley truck accident lawyer, it doesn’t have to be, and this can often be the best way to ensure you’re fairly compensation for your mental, physical, financial, and emotional .

When you file a truck accident claim, you and your lawyer will provide evidence that proces three things:

  1. You were owed a .
    1. All drivers owe each other a duty of care. When we get behind the wheel, we are obligated to act in a safe and reasonable manner.
  2. That duty of care was breached.
    1. If a truck driver or another party exhibited any for of negligence — via distracted driving, aggressive driving, intoxication, speeding, or anything along those lines — they breached their duty of care to other drivers on the road.
  3. That breach resulted in direct damages.
    1. You and your truck accident attorney will show that the breach of care (aka the accident) directly resulted in harm to you, whether this be physical harm, financial harm, property damage, emotional and psychological harm, or a combination of all of the above.

Your truck accident lawyer will work by your side to prove these three elements of your case, and to negotiate a fair and equitable settlement that accurately reflects what you have been through.

What kind of compensation can I receive after a truck accident?

Experiencing a truck accident can put a huge financial strain on the victim and their entire family. A truck accident may prevent you from working for days, weeks, months, or even longer, meaning you have lost wages. You may end up with mountains of medical bills and expenses. You may require additional care, or physical rehabilitation services. The good news is that you can be awarded the compensation you deserve by working with an accident lawyer to file a truck accident claim.

Damages awarded in this kind of personal injury case fall into two categories: and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are all of the things are are inherently tied to a specific monetary value. This includes things like:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lowered earning capacity
  • Physical Rehabilitation Services
  • And more

However, when someone experiences a devastating truck accident, the impact can go even deeper than financial strain or physical ailments. The impact of such an accident can also be mental and emotional. In fact, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America notes that emotional distress is extremely common after any kind of car accident: “during the healing process, you may begin to notice signs of increased stress such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, anguish, fearfulness, issues with sleep, reoccurring nightmares about the crash and more.” These things, while immense, don’t necessarily correlate to a specific number. How can there be a monetary value to experiencing PTSD? That’s part of the job of experienced truck accident lawyers: making sure you are compensation for your mental and emotional pain and suffering via non-economic damages. Your accident lawyer will review your case in great detail to ensure that your pain and suffering are accurately accounted for in the settlement you’re seeking.

While no amount of money can undue the trauma of a truck accident, it can help victims and their families to move through the healing process and get back to things they love. If you or a loved one has experienced a truck accident, and is interested in working with an experienced truck accident lawyer, contact Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today.

Why do I need a truck accident lawyer?

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Attorneys Marion Munley and Dan Munley examining a caseIn most cases, your best path to success in a truck accident case involves working with experienced accident lawyers. These kinds of cases can be very complex, and without the proper guidance, you may find yourself unsure where to turn, or pressured into accepting a settlement offer that’s unfairly low. Some of the things truck accident lawyers can do for you include:

  • Defend you against a powerful truck company. Accidents inherently become more complicated when they involve a commercial truck. Rather than two individuals resolving things, you have a large company in the mix. Most trucking companies have the resources to defend themselves, and will always try to get away with paying out as little as possible. Bigger trucking companies also likely have years of experience battling these cases. For this reason, you want a strong
  • Gather evidence. If you file a personal injury suit against the truck driver, the trucking company, or any third party involved, you’ll need a great deal of evidence in order to both prove the other party’s negligence and illustrate the extent of the damage it caused to you. Your attorney will both know what evidence to look for and how to get it. This may include things like: the truck’s black box, driver training records, phone records, vehicle inspection records, evidence as to whether the driver has a history of substance abuse, and more. All of this is crucial in making your case and can be difficult, if not impossible, to obtain without a lawyer.
  • Secure you a fair settlement. If you are not adequately reimbursed through insurance, as you very likely may not be, you may choose to file a personal injury suit. If you do, the aim will be to achieve a settlement that fairly compensates you for your injuries, lost wages, pain and suffering, and all other impacts and losses that occurred because of the accident. Your lawyer is the first line of defense in securing you this settlement. They will know how to calculate abstract areas of compensation like “ of enjoyment”, and when to turn down or accept an offer from the other side.
  • Represent you in court. The vast majority of personal injury suits settle out of court, but in a select few cases, a trial becomes necessary. If this happens in your case, you can rest assured knowing your Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys lawyer is prepared and capable of protecting you in the courtroom. While some personal injury attorneys only deal with settlement negotiations, all of our experienced lawyers have years of hands-on experience defending clients in court.

What if the truck accident results in a death?

In the most devastating of cases, truck accidents can result in a death. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon; the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that in 2020, 4,842 large trucks (such as a big rig or a tractor trailer) were involved in fatal accidents. The majority of these crashes involved singles (truck tractors pulling a single semi-trailer).

Losing someone in a truck accident is devastating and unthinkable. In order to bring responsible parties to justice, you may consider filing a suit. A “wrongful death” is, in essence, a death caused by the wrongful actions of another party. If you lost a loved one in a truck accident, and know or believe that another party’s reckless or negligent behavior caused or contributed to the accident, you may be able to pursue this kind of cases.

Specific regulations on truck accident wrongful death suits vary from state to state, to it’s important to get information about the laws in your area. Generally, the person filing the suit has between two and three yours to file the claim. Possible damages this person may obtain include:

  • Expenses for hospital bills and burial
  • Compensation for the deceased party’s pain and suffering
  • Compensation for the income the deceased party would have brought into the home
  • And more

If you have lost a loved one and are contemplating pursuing this course of action, contact one of our Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys truck accident attorneys today. We can guide you through this overwhelming process and help you bring justice for your loved one.

How much does a truck accident lawyer cost?

Experiencing a big rig accident can be a life altering experience, both for the immediate victims and their friends, family, and loved ones. Undoubtedly, one of the stressful aspects of this experience is the financial burden. Even if you’ll be reimbursed for your medical expenses and other costs through your settlement, it can still feel uncertain, and the idea of adding another expense into the mix may seem ridiculous. For this reason, some people, quite understandly, have doubts about working with accident lawyers. But we’re here to tell you: you have nothing to worry about. Munley lawyers are paid on a . This mean your attorney will take a percentage of your settlement as their payment. In other words, there is never a single out of pocket expense for you, and we don’t get paid unless we win on your behalf.

Financial strain should not stop you from reaching out to the experienced truck accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. We don’t make a penny unless you win. Call today for a free consultation.

Why Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys?

personal injury lawyers munley lawTruck accident claims can be incredibly complex. There are more moving parts in tractor trailer accidents than there are in other kinds of cases and car accidents, and negotiating with a large trucking company can be exhausting. When you’ve experienced a truck accident, the last thing you should be focusing on is the ins and outs of the legal system; you should be able to focus all your energy on resting, recovering, and getting back to the life you love. When you work with an experienced truck accident attorney at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, you can rest assured that we will do the heavy lifting so that you can turn your attention towards the rest of your life.

The truck accident lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have decades of experience with these kinds of cases. We will work tirelessly to achieve justice on your behalf, and we will make use of our vast network of resources. At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we treat all of our clients like family, and have the utmost respect for the attorney client relationship.

We’ll work night and day to secure a settlement that works for you and your family, but if you need to go to court, know that we can protect you there too. Some big rig accident attorneys have experience only in settlement negotiations, and will leave you in the lurch should a trial become necessary. But at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, every truck accident lawyer has hands-on courtroom experience, and can confidently defend you in a trial should the need arise.

We believe that each and every truck accident victim deserves justice. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys to discuss your case and learn how we can be of service. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. And remember: you don’t pay a penny unless you win.

Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

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