Allentown Brain Injury Lawyer

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Any type of traumatic brain injury is life-changing. Whether the injury is mild, moderate, or severe, it can take a great physical, psychological, and financial toll on victims and their families. If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, an Allentown brain injury lawyer at Munley Law can help you get the proper compensation you deserve to cope with the aftermath.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic head injury, our Allentown brain injury lawyers are here to help.  Fill out our contact form or call us today for a free consultation. It won’t cost you anything. Even if you hire us, you won’t pay anything out of pocket; we aren’t paid unless you win money. Furthermore, contacting us won’t obligate you to do anything.

$32 Million Wrongful Death

$26 Million Truck Accident

$20 Million Commercial Vehicle Accident

$17.5 Million Car Accident

$12 Million Work Injury

$11 Million Truck Accident

$9 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$8 Million Truck Accident

$7.5 Million Auto Accident

$6.9 Million Garbage Truck Accident

$6.5 Million Traumatic Brain Injury

How a Brain Injury Lawyer in Allentown Can Help You

Child Brain Injury LawyerA traumatic brain injury () can have long-term effects on your health and affect the way you navigate the world around you. In the days and weeks following a severe brain injury, you might not yet know the full extent of the complications you will suffer. You may need ongoing therapy for a while, or you may be unable to perform your job as you did in the past.

A brain injury attorney’s role is to ensure you have the resources you need to recover properly from your injury and rebuild your life. If someone else’s negligence caused you to suffer a traumatic brain injury, the at- party should be held responsible for . But after a TBI, you have more than enough going on. An experienced attorney can handle getting you the compensation you deserve while you stay focused on moving forward from your brain injury.

It is essential to have an injury lawyer with years of experience helping victims of brain injuries specifically. Brain injuries are more complex than other types of injuries. The medical evidence necessary to prove your injuries and how they will impact your life is complex. To ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve, you will need a lawyer familiar with TBI diagnoses and the unique challenges they pose.

At Munley Law, we have helped obtain record-breaking settlements on behalf of people who suffered serious brain trauma. We work with medical experts to calculate the full scope of your damages from medical care to assisted living, lost earning power, and pain and suffering.

What Does an Allentown Brain Injury Attorney Do?

We know the last thing you want to do when dealing with a traumatic brain injury is think about lawyers. That said, if you or a loved one are suffering from a traumatic brain injury, working with an accident lawyer in Allentown can help.

Answer Questions About Your Next Steps

After any brain injury, you will have questions. What happens with insurance? Do you accept the deal you are being offered? What should you do if the person who caused the injury says that you all can just “work it out?” Our attorneys at Munley Law will answer your questions and deal with insurance companies on your behalf so that you may focus on your healing process. We can also help you ensure you cover all your bases; it’s a busy and emotionally draining time, and you and your family should not be responsible for navigating it alone.

Gather Evidence to Prove Who is At Fault

You may not need to file a lawsuit after a traumatic brain injury. Working with a lawyer can help you avoid a lawsuit. We can write demand letters, become involved early in the process to ensure your interests are represented and present your case informally. Through these methods, early advocacy can get you the relief you need quickly and without formal .

Even so, we have to know what to ask for. We work closely with investigators, industry experts and medical professionals to ensure that you are properly compensated for your medical bills, rehabilitation, long-term care, lost wages, lost earning power, and your pain and suffering.

Represent You in Trial

If aggressive early advocacy doesn’t get you the desired results, Munley Law is ready and willing to take the case to court. You aren’t just another case to us, so no matter the opponent, Munley Law is ready to see your case to the end.

Munley Law does some of its best work in the courtroom, so if that’s where the party who caused your injury makes us go? So be it. We’ll gather evidence, structure your case so it is persuasive to a jury, and make sure your case will withstand scrutiny from our opponents.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries in Allentown, PA

Brain damage results from injuries that cause the destruction or deterioration of brain cells.  There are two different types, traumatic brain injuries and acquired brain injuries.

  • Traumatic brain injuries result from an external force that causes the brain to move inside or damage the skull.
  • Acquired brain injuries occur at a cellular level and are most often associated with pressure on the brain, such as a tumor or stroke.

Causes of traumatic brain injury include:

Car and Truck Accidents

Car and crashes are some of the most common causes of traumatic brain injury. The force of an impact in a head-on crash, rear-end crash, or any other collision can cause the head to move forward and back at a high rate of speed. This thrusts the brain against the skull wall, resulting in a brain injury. A car or can also cause blunt force trauma to the head, resulting in a traumatic brain injury or . Motorcycle crashes, bicycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents can also result in brain trauma.

Sports Injuries

Athletes often experience traumatic brain injuries from colliding with other players. Sports and other recreational activities were found to be the leading cause of non-fatal traumatic brain injuries in teens. Football players, in particular, experience a very high rate of brain injury. The type of repeated blows to the head these athletes often experience can lead to something called chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Hockey players, soccer players, and cheerleaders are also at high risk for concussion and other brain injuries.

Sports injuries present unique challenges because they often impact the still-developing brain of teenagers and because their full scope is often not immediately apparent.

Slip and Falls

slip and fall accident lawyers

Falls are easily the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries in adults over the age of 65. They are also a relatively common cause of traumatic brain injuries in young children. Accidents in this category can include anything from falling down stairs to falling when getting in and out of the shower and much more. The property owner can be held responsible if you experiences a severe fall at someone’s residence or business due to a preventable .

Physical Violence

Unfortunately, domestic and other types of violence can often result in TBIs. Shaken baby syndrome, which typically occurs when a caregiver shakes a child in frustration or anger, is a type of traumatic brain injury in infants that can cause lasting damage.

Explosive Blasts and Combat Injuries

The pressure wave that occurs when an explosive blast occurs can cause significant damage as it passes through the brain, though the science of this is still somewhat unclear. Active military personnel are also at a high risk for penetrating brain injuries from bullets or shrapnel. Construction workers can also experience explosive blasts that result in traumatic brain injuries.

Workplace Injuries

A traumatic brain injury at work can affect your ability to do your job. Falls are a leading cause of work-related brain injuries. Other high-risk industries include trucking, construction, and law enforcement.

What Are the Types of Brain Injuries?

Brain injuries can be divided into two main categories: closed-head injuries and penetrating-head injuries. A closed head injury is the result of an external force that does not penetrate the skull. A penetrating head injury involves an object that breaks the skull, such as a bullet or other projectile.

Some common types of brain injuries include:

  • Concussion – A concussion is the most common type of brain injury. Concussions can be mild or severe; they can result from a direct blow to the head, or any intense shaking or jarring that causes the brain to hit against the skull.
  • – A contusion is a bruise on the brain that can cause bleeding or swelling.
  • Hematoma – A subdural hematoma or intracranial hematoma is a brain injury that involves blood collecting under the skull.
  • Penetrating Skull Fracture – A penetrating injury or skull fracture can cause damage to the brain directly, or cause pieces of broken skull to enter the brain and cause damage.
  • Diffuse Axonal Injury – Diffuse axonal injury is the tearing of the brain’s long connecting nerve fibers (axons) that occurs when the brain is injured as it shifts and rotates inside the skull.

Regardless of what type of brain injury you or your loved one has suffered, our Allentown brain injury lawyers will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you both require and deserve.

What Can I Do For a Loved One Suffering From a Brain Injury?

Some of the ways you can help a loved one experiencing a traumatic brain injury are very simple, such as keeping your communication clear and direct. State your name when you greet them, speak slowly and allow plenty of time for your loved one to respond. If your loved one is searching for a word, give them a minute to do so; if they have not found the word at that point, you can guess at what they’re trying to say so that they don’t reach a point of frustration. You can also help your loved one feel grounded and connected to their life by singing familiar songs and showing pictures of friends and family.

The Mayo Clinic has a helpful set of guidelines for additional ways to support your loved one. And of course, you can help ensure that they receive the compensation owed to them by hiring the experienced attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys. We receive no payment unless we win for you. Contact us today for your free consultation.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Allentown TBI Attorney?

You will not pay anything up front or out of your own pocket.  Munley Law does not charge a fee unless we recover compensation for you.  Furthermore, calling us won’t obligate you to do anything.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, contact us to speak to an Allentown brain injury lawyer for a free consultation by calling, filling out our email form, or chatting live with a personal injury lawyer from our law firm.

Types of Allentown Personal Injury Claims We Handle

Munley Law has successfully secured compensation for victims of the following types of personal injury cases:

Do I Have A Case?

If you think you may have a personal injury case, contact us now for a FREE consultation.

    Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys

    609 Hamilton St
    Allentown, PA 18101
    (610) 857-7424

    BBB Accreditation Badge The information contained on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship nor should any information be considered legal advice as it is intended to provide general information only. Prior case results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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