As Crash Deaths Reach 40k, Adults Drive Worse Than Teens
Who are the riskiest drivers on the road?
While teenage drivers have the highest chances of dying in a car crash, they are not the worst drivers. According to a new study from AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, young adult drivers report engaging in dangerous driving behavior more than any other age group. They found that about 88% of young adults (age 19-24) admitted to speeding, running red lights, or texting while driving in the last 30 days.
Older adults (25-39) weren’t far behind, at 79%. Among drivers 40-59 years old, 75% owned up to these bad behaviors. Teenagers? Just 69%.
Nearly half of drivers 19-24 years old reported driving through a light that had just turned red when they could have stopped safely. They appear twice as likely as other age groups to type a text while driving. […]
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Report of State Safety Laws: PA Gets Failing Grade
The Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety have released their annual report card of state safety laws. The report highlights 15 recommended laws regarding occupant protection (seatbelt use, motorcycle helmets) impaired and distracted driving, teen drivers (graduated licensing and age-based restrictions), and child passenger safety.
Best and Worst States for Traffic Safety
The report granted states a green (best), yellow, or red (worst) rating, based on their adoption of recommended optimal traffic safety laws. This year, in a record low, only five states earned a green rating:
- Rhode Island
- Delaware
- Washington
- Louisiana
- Oregon
- District of Columbia
Seventeen states were assigned a red rating. The five worst:
- South Dakota
- Wyoming
- Arizona
- Missouri
- Montana
Pennsylvania’s Safety Laws Need Improvement
So how did PA do? […]
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Tagged Distracted Driving Drunk Driving
Tips for Sharing the Road with a Snow Plow
When snow covers the roads here in PA, snow plows come to the rescue.
Plows help make dangerous roads safer, but when sharing the road with a plow, you should still use extra caution.
Tips for Driving Around Snow Plows
Give a plow plenty of space. The plow itself can extend over the center line, so keep this in mind as you share the road with an oncoming plow. The same rule applies if you’re behind the plow. Allow plenty of extra space in between your vehicle and the plow, as they may make unexpected stops or turns. And, due to their limited field of vision, the space directly behind the plow is a blind spot.
If you’re traveling behind a snow plow, it’s a good idea to stay there. They tend to travel more slowly than the speed limit, but the road behind the plow is likely to be safer than the road ahead. […]
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Getting Your Car Ready for a New Baby
Welcoming a new baby to the family is an exciting and sometimes scary time. As a parent, you want to do everything possible to ensure your family’s safety, starting with the ride home from the hospital.
We’re pleased to share a guest blog post from auto blogger Matthew Young on how to prepare your vehicle for the arrival of a new baby.
Buying baby clothes, obtaining toys, and safeguarding the house are tasks that most couples complete before the arrival of their baby. But you don’t want to get so caught up in those tasks that you forget to prepare your car. Taking the right steps now will allow you to transform your vehicle into a safe and comfortable environment in which you will be able to transport your baby with peace of mind.
Car Seat
Although you will take many factors into consideration, […]
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What to Do if Your Vehicle Breaks Down
Car trouble can be a nightmare any time of the year, but winter weather conditions can make even common mishaps more dangerous.
According to PennDOT, it’s Winter Driving Awareness Week. We’ve already shared some winter weather driving tips to help you stay safe in the ice and snow. But what if your car breaks down? The first step to staying safe is to not panic. Check out the tips below in the case of a wintertime breakdown.
What to do if your car breaks down
1. Pay attention to your vehicle and assess the problem. If you notice steering problems, unusual noises, smoke, or other warning signs, remain calm. Don’t forget to be aware of your surroundings; note your location, put your blinker on, and find a place to pull over.
2. Carefully pull off of the road, if possible. The ideal place to pull over is, […]
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