
What is a Claim?

A claim is a legal action concerning physical or mental harm suffered by the plaintiff due to the defendant’s negligence. In the case of insurance claims, it is a request made by the insured to the insurance company for coverage and compensation for damage or injury. A claim is sometimes also referred to as a Cause of Action.

What is a Claim?

What is a Claim?

Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute defines a claim as, “a set of operative facts creating a right enforceable in court.” Making a claim is how the process of a plaintiff filing a lawsuit and eventually receiving damages from a defendant begins. A claim must be present in order for a lawsuit to go forward. If one is not present in a specific instance, then that lawsuit will be dismissed. Examples of types of claims include claims to insurance companies, personal injury claims in cases of negligence, claims on breaches of contract, property claims, and employment claims such as unpaid wages, wrongful termination, or discrimination. A defendant may make a counterclaim against the claim of a plaintiff.

Claims can sometimes be dismissed even if there is an intent to file a lawsuit. Rulings in cases such as  Ashcroft v. IQBAL and Bell Atlantic v. Twombly have determined that claims need to contain important information. They must be plausible on their own and establish a likelihood of liability. This is how claims can lead to fair compensation, resolution of disputes, and protection of rights.

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Allentown Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits

Does Workers’ Compensation Pay for Death Benefits?

Under Pennsylvania’s workers’ comp laws, a deceased workers’ family member can file a when an employee dies while on the job, so long as workplace injuries or death happened on the job. Unfortunately, employers and companies may deny workers’ compensation death benefits to the surviving family members, even though the injured workers’ claims are valid. When this happens, an Allentown workers’ compensation attorney can help your family receive the compensation you deserve.

How Much Compensation Can a Family Receive After a Worker Dies?

Personal Injury Attorney Robert Munley speaking with employeeThe compensation a family can receive following a worker’s death is calculated as a percentage of the deceased worker’s weekly salary. There is a weekly maximum on death benefits set by Pennsylvania law based on the state’s average salary.

In Pennsylvania, roughly 85 employees died in 2021 as a result of work-related accidents. […]

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Do You Always Get A Settlement From A Car Accident?

Understanding Car Accident Settlement Claims

car accident workers comp coming and going ruleWhile claims following a do not always end with a settlement, you do always have a right to file a and try to seek compensation for your injuries. There are various factors that will determine the success of your car accident settlement claim, most importantly, the severity of your injuries. Car accident victims will have a lot of questions after a car crash about how to deal with insurance companies and what kind of settlement offer or help with medical expenses and more that they can expect.

Steps in Seeking a Settlement

Before car accident settlements are even discussed, you’ll have to file an insurance claim with both your own insurance company and the other drivers. In many cases, the insurance company should cover your needs, […]

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What Happens if the At-Fault Party Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?

What to Do In Car Accident with Underinsured or Uninsured Motorist

You may be asking yourself, If I’m involved in a , and the at- driver doesn’t have car , what happens to me?  In Pennsylvania, that answer largely depends on the type of insurance coverage you have, including . Typically, however, you can file a compensation with your own insurance company or file a personal injury or car accident lawsuit against the other driver.

Pennsylvania Drivers Are Required to Carry Insurance

rear end car accidentIn Pennsylvania, drivers are required to carry insurance coverage. Known as no-fault or (PIP) coverage, no matter who is at fault in the accident, the initial medical bills are covered by your own insurance company, […]

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What Happens If You Hit a Cyclist with Your Car?

Hit a Cyclist, or Injured in a Bicycle Accident? We Can Help.

bicycle accidents lawyerCar accidents involving an injured cyclist can be the worst experience anyone can have. If you’re asking yourself “What happens if you hit a cyclist with your car?” an experienced bicycle accident lawyer can help.

You may feel guilty, upset, and anxious about what happens afterward. Can the cyclist sue you for the accident? What will happen to your insurance rates? What happens next?

These are all valid concerns to have before, during, and after your time on the accident scene. Even if you were injured in the bicycle accident as well, you may be stressing over what can happen. That’s why it’s important to know what your next steps should be to protect yourself and your .

For over 60 years, […]

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Can I Sue After a Car Accident If I Was Not Hurt?

What Options Are Available After A Car Accident With No Injuries?

car crash traffic deaths

Everyone knows that if you are injured in a , you have the option to file a lawsuit against the other driver. But what happens if you only suffer damage to your vehicle? Can you sue the other driver?

Even if you suffered no physical injuries during an accident caused by the of another driver, you could still recover property damage costs. If your company refuses to repair or replace a car you suffer heavy damage you might need to seek court action to have them repaired or replaced.

Understanding your legal rights after a car accident is paramount. Please note that Munley Law handles personal injury cases only.

Filing Car Accident Claim with Insurance Company

The best way to ensure you recover compensation and financial losses from insurance companies or liable in your car accident property damage settlement is to hire an experienced car accident property damage lawyer. […]

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